Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Visa Sponsorship Marketing Group
rP os t CASE: SPM-5 DATE: 7/22/03 VISA SPONSORSHIP MARKETING operation yo Visa was the world’s driving installment brand and its vision was to be â€Å"The World’s Best Way to Pay. †In 2002, Visa-marked cards (credit; charge and paid ahead of time; corporate; buying and business products)1 created more than $2. 4 trillion in yearly volume; totaled more than one billion cards around the world, and were acknowledged in more than 150 nations and domains. Visa was among the most all inclusive perceived brands and it held 7. 1 percent portion of worldwide individual utilization uses (PCE). Its U. S. slogan, â€Å"It’s wherever you need to be,†had become some portion of the American vocabulary. Addendum An and Exhibit 1 give outline data on Visa. tC Visa ascribed a significant piece of its prosperity to prominent sponsorships, for example, its Olympic Games sponsorship. Visa additionally supported various occasions, for example, the Rugby World Cup, Bes t of Broadway, the Toronto Film Festival, NASCAR, the NFL, the Visa Triple Crown, and the Paralympics, and has a universal coalition with The Walt Disney Company.In the fall of 2002, Visa reported its choice to expand its Olympic Games sponsorship through 2012. Its unique sponsorship bargain was organized through the 2004 games in Athens, yet the sponsorship was expanded on the grounds that the association had gotten progressively fruitful after some time. The arrangement would expand a connection among Visa and the Olympic Games that began in 1986. The organization spent an extra a few times that of the sponsorship charge it pays for publicizing, advancements, and different endeavors to amplify the estimation of the ponsorship †not an atypical sum for such sponsorships. 1 No Visa International was involved six local working associations: Asia-Pacific; Canada; Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEMEA); European Union; Latin America and Caribbean; the United Sta tes. Regardless of its worldwide reach, Visa stayed particularly a neighborhood association. Its local workplaces had a serious extent of working and promoting self-sufficiency. Visa felt that since its provincial associations were nearest to their nearby markets, they realized best how to help part foundations serve their customers.Do Debit items permitted shoppers to get to their checking or bank store accounts legitimately. Charge items gave buyers the decision to â€Å"pay now,†while credit items permitted customers to â€Å"pay later,†and prepaid items to â€Å"pay previously. †2 Personal buyer use spoke to the market estimation all things considered and benefits bought by families and philanthropic organizations, barring the acquisition of homes. In 2003, worldwide PCE was at $19 trillion and was contained fundamentally of money and check payments.Visa had a normal yearly increment in a lot of worldwide PCE of 12 percent over the earlier five years. Vic toria Chang arranged this case under the oversight of Professor George Foster as the reason for class conversation as opposed to represent either compelling or inadequate treatment of an authoritative circumstance. Copyright  © 2003 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights held. To arrange duplicates or solicitation authorization to imitate materials, email the Case Writing Office at: [emailâ protected] stanford. du or compose: Case Writing Office, Stanford Graduate School of Business, 518 Memorial Way, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5015. No piece of this distribution might be recreated, put away in a recovery framework, utilized in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any structure or using any and all means â€â€ electronic, mechanical, copying, recording, or in any case â€â€ without the authorization of the Stanford Graduate School of Business. This record is approved for utilize just by Hadi Nejatian until May 2013. Duplic ating or posting is an encroachment of copyright. [emailâ protected] harvard. du or 617. 783. 7860. Visa Sponsorship Marketing SPM-5 rP os t p. 2 Thomas Shepard, Visa’s official VP of global showcasing, associations, and sponsorship, assumed a key job in persuading Visa’s six provincial sheets and its universal board to permit Visa to broaden its Olympics and Paralympic sponsorship. The sponsorship gave and would keep on giving Visa and its part money related foundations (I. e. , banks and credit associations) selective showcasing rights, including publicizing and special utilization of the Olympic rings and other graphics.Visa likewise would be qualified for selectiveness with exchanges under Olympic control, including on the web exchanges, ticket deals, and Olympic-themed occasions. SPONSORSHIP MARKETING operation yo In the mid year of 2003, Shepard and his group accumulated at Visa’s International central station situated in Foster City, California, to think about the effect and exercises of its past sponsorship exercises. In particular, they intended to talk about the current corporate system and through this procedure refine the current sponsorship technique. The current corporate procedure stressed more prominent inclusion in the field of entertainment.An outgrowth was choosing and working with new accomplices, for example, The Walt Disney Company (2002). General Sponsorship Marketing No tC Sports advertising was a significant showcasing stage for some organizations †see Exhibit 2 (Panel A). Sports sponsorship was regularly a key part of sports promoting. There were numerous approaches to possess/support properties †by an occasion title or introducing title; a naming rights patron of donning scenes; a supporting level accomplice; a provider or potentially licensee; or a media support; competitor endorser. In a few examples, organizations who didn't formally support occasions partook in trap advertising strategies. Organiza tions regularly supported general properties and games to: 1) fortify client connections, 2) get new clients, and 3) give motivators to their retail appropriation channels. 4 In 2002, worldwide sponsorship spending came to $24. 4 billion. In the U. S. alone, organizations burned through $9. 4 billion on sponsorships in 2001. 5 According to Shepard, sponsorship promoting had expanded in prevalence because of globalization; new passages, including new media that permitted organizations to arrive at purchasers in fragmented manners; and intermingling of the games and diversion industries.Do Most significant shopper brands utilized sponsorship showcasing to upgrade their advertising endeavors. For instance, as indicated by sponsorship consultancy IEG, in 2002, Anheuser Busch spent somewhere in the range of $215 and $220 million on sponsorship promoting, PepsiCo. somewhere in the range of $190 and $195 million, and Nike somewhere in the range of $105 and $110 million. As per IEG, Visa, M asterCard, and American Express together burned through $150 to $165 million on a wide range of sponsorship in the U. S. in 2001. Visa and MasterCard each burned through $65 to $70 million, making them individually the eleventh and twelfth biggest spenders on sponsorship.American Express burned through $20 to $25 million and was positioned 49th. These figures just incorporated the rights to buy properties. Big-time backers, for example, these organizations normally burned through a few fold the amount of advancing their official 3 Ambush promoting was when organizations who didn't authoritatively support properties drove customers to derive that they were a piece of the official occasion through showcasing, ads, or other advertising strategies. 4 â€Å"Winning the Sports Sponsorship Game,†Bank Marketing International, June 24, 2002, p. 8. 5Michael McCarthy, â€Å"Sports Sponsorship Game Heating Up,†USA Today, June 12, 2002, p. 3B. This archive is approved for utilize just by Hadi Nejatian until May 2013. Replicating or posting is an encroachment of copyright. [emailâ protected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. Visa Sponsorship Marketing SPM-5 rP os t p. 3 sponsorship status as they paid to get that official status. â€Å"The cost of passage is the thing that you pay for the property,†said Shepard. â€Å"Where you truly begin to spend, and receive the most rewards, is in the showcasing instruments that your voting demographics need †the publicizing programs, limited time formats, nd on location endeavors. †William Chipps, senior editorial manager of IEG Sponsorship Report, a Chicago-based sponsorship bulletin, concurred by expressing that so as to be beneficial, Visa’s absolute Olympic consumption should have been at any rate three to four dollars on promoting for each dollar paid for the sponsorship †and that did exclude its media purchase. â€Å"A organization can support an occasion, however the sponsorship w on't do much for them except if they go through some additional cash to enact it through customer sweepstakes or customer hospitality6,†said Chipps. Sports Sponsorship Marketing p yo Sports showcasing was an especially high-stakes game. In 2002, in the U. S. alone, organizations yearly burned through $9. 4 billion on sports sponsorships. 7 In 2001, organizations burned through $6. 5 billion on sports sponsorships in the U. S. , up from $2. 1 billion of every 1992. 8 In the U. S. sponsorship showcase, sports held the biggest piece of the pie, or 69 percent of the absolute sponsorship advertise in 2001, up 10 percent from $5. 9 of every 2000. 9 IEG expected games sponsorships to increment in future years and to outpace the pace of development by and large sponsorship spending. tCAccording to certain examiners, sports promoting was more confused than basically putting a logo on a shirt: â€Å"Part of the issue is that a few customers and organizations imagine that the game they line up with will do the advertising work without anyone else. As a general rule, to be successful at sports showcasing requires a similar tender loving care as some other control. †10 Andrew Hampel, overseeing executive, Europe, of the games promoting gathering, IMG, remarked: â€Å"Sports sponsorship may give you the option to converse with clients, however on the off chance that you need to say anything advantageous regarding your image, you need to connect with them at various levels.The beginning stage is consistently
Saturday, August 22, 2020
War for Talent
War for Talent Presentation The worldwide economy has fundamentally extended inside the most recent decade. Human asset chiefs, business pioneers, and different business visionaries everywhere have discovered it progressively testing to enroll new and gifted workforce in their business institutions.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on War for Talent explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More These business associations need talented representatives for basic enterprising procedures, for example, dynamic and key arranging so as to increase upper hand in both nearby and worldwide markets. Nonetheless, the hole between the requirement for gifted specialists and accessible work positions is apparently turning into a test for some business associations around the world. This marvel has delegated into a war for ability that has tested the achievement of objectives and targets for some organizations and associations. This paper gives understanding to the degree to which war for a bility has become both a neighborhood and worldwide test for organizations and associations. The Global War for Talent Numerous scientists have disclosed that numerous associations, particularly in America, Nordic locale, and Asia, have step by step missed the mark concerning serious gifts (Chambers, Foulon, Handfield-Jones, Hankin, Michaels 1998). The world experienced an enormous unrest regarding innovation during the most recent decade. Evidently, innovation has prompted the extension of organizations and the development of new ones. Subsequently, numerous organizations include grew inside this mechanical upset prompting new brands in the market. In any case, Klein (2013) claims that there is no sufficient expert ability to fill the work hole that is related with this nature of authoritative dynamism. There is an expanding interest for aptitude information about an assortment of expert measurements, for example, data and innovation proficiency, free and private venture abilities, key arranging, and worldwide savvy (Chambers et al. 1998). Of late, due to the previously mentioned pattern of occasions, worldwide organizations have started to look for gifts from outside nations where quality training is exceptionally respected. In their examination, the writers note that the deficiency of abilities in business associations has constrained some official chiefs to serve an expanding number of organizations in their vocation life.Advertising Looking for exposition on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This circumstance is because of the inclination for organizations to look for the best business pioneers to deal with their organizations. As indicated by Chambers et al. (1998), numerous organizations stretch out less weight to the act of supporting abilities inside their business associations. Worldwide Leadership Many worldwide companies over the globe have advocated to make sure abo ut the world’s best business administrators to lead their organizations (Ju 2013). There is a requirement for associations to keep up serious pioneers so as to improve their primary concerns. In spite of the inclination for profoundly qualified experts, numerous human asset directors of contemporary business firms face a difficult time in look for splendid abilities from the twenty-first century age (Larkan 2009). Because of rivalry and rise of new markets for items, pioneers of these business firms need to select experts to assume responsibility for the administrative employments. In any case, the human asset chiefs meet the enrollment of business officials with the chance of unexpected inadequacies of taking on under qualified people, conceal in unpredictable abilities and information about their foreseen duties (Martin 2013). Besides, global firms need to drive forward exorbitant recruiting of administrators because of extraordinary rivalry, particularly in developing mark ets. As indicated by the creators, the developing markets have more war for ability than the created markets. The nature of the items and size of the market relies upon the ability information on the workers. The creator uncovers that multinationals have of late discovered troubles to select and keep up exceptionally skilled work force in their business associations. An overview led by Klein (2013) to explore the certainty of representatives in their organizations showed that 71 percent of business administrators were sure that they would be held in their present situations for at any rate a few years. Maturing Population and Global Demographics Researchers have authenticated that there an expanding hole between the quantity of matured people who leave the workforce and the accessibility of new gifts to possess the empty positions (Burkus Osula 2011). The creators venture that the worldwide maturing populace will ascend from 10 percent to 20 percent in the following three decades. S uch socioeconomics pattern mirrors a colossal reduction of gifted work force.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on War for Talent explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The development economies altogether depend on the extent and predominance of the accessible workforce. In this manner, the predicted decline in qualified abilities will prompt loss of human capital in numerous global partnerships that drive the economies of numerous countries, both in the creating and created world. Also, such loss of human capital will represent an intense hazard for developing and rising economies. The segment examples of the world have additionally changed fluidly in about each geographic area of the world. The main considerations that have influenced the segment designs incorporate improved life span, decreased birth rates, and administration laws on contraception. The above variables mirror a decrease in the general beneficial populace in the following scarcely any decades (Spitulnik 2009). Further research has uncovered that, if the segment pattern proceeds, there will arrive at when the old individuals should stay in the workforce for significantly a larger number of years than today. The creator uncovers that few nations have changed the retirement laws for future financial security. For example, China is the size of neighborhood abilities has diminished in the previous five years because of higher retirement rates than the business rates. The circumstance has constrained bosses to enlist specialists from different nations to enhance the low number of existing nearby workforce (Levy, Beechler, Taylor, Boyacigiller 2007). Abilities Gap and Diversity Irrespective of the declining workforce, there is as yet an outsized overall populace of both proficient and unskilled individuals that meets the base edge for business (Levy et al. 2007). The mission for technically knowledgeable workforce to grab hold of mechanically adjusted business positions in processing, data innovation, and most building enterprises has made a flawed abilities hole. The creators authenticate that there is a worldwide deficiency of technologists to take on work in computerized businesses because of inadequacy of significant level innovation aptitudes. In addition, the enhancement of worldwide business firms and ventures has raised the interest for all-round workforce that can change in accordance with various business conditions with next to zero difficulties. Laborers taking an interest in global business undertakings need to gain different capability abilities in orders, for example, culture relations, data innovation, etymology, and general endeavor aptitudes. Besides, contemporary worldwide organizations flourish in a world that is profoundly globalized (Larkan 2009).Advertising Searching for article on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Portability of Talents Because of globalization, Levy et al. (2007) uncovers that most worldwide guidelines that administer resettlement have been waivered to clear a route for business exercises over the various circles of the globe. The releasing of migration laws has tested people worldwide to wander into worldwide work markets. Thus, there has been portability of gifts starting with one nation then onto the next as people get work both in terrain or abroad nations. Ng (2013) claims that globalization has facilitated the way toward recruiting splendid gifts from outside nations. In the previously mentioned, China and Japan are driving models in the importation of the work power to fill in their business holes because of their condition of declining profitable populace. Numerous analysts have placed that portability as a result of the war for ability has prompted raised resettlement rates (Levy et al. 2007). This marvel has brought about mind channel for most of the gifted speciali sts who leave their own nations for work in outside countries. Be that as it may, in various cases, a few nations, particularly in the Unites States, have empowered the requirement for ability stream, in opposition to cerebrum channel. This training has advanced the arrival of aptitudes to home nations so as to support neighborhood gifts. Reconciliation of Mobility and Global Talent Undoubtedly, portability is a significant business opportunity that numerous pioneers exceptionally organize. Ju (2013) theorizes that the size of all around portable workforce will rise essentially in the following 5 years. There is a requirement for business pioneers to incorporate versatility and worldwide gifts so as to make up for aptitude holes. Global associations need to grow new pioneers and familiarize them with the vital abilities, information, and experience to build up new markets. The significance of incorporating versatility and worldwide gifts is to sustain future abilities that can spare the worldwide economy from enduring gigantic misfortunes because of expertise hole. In a review directed by Chambers et al. (1998) to look for sentiments on worldwide portability, the creators uncovered that 61 percent of the respondents saw worldwide versatility as a urgent technique for building up their abilities an
Monday, August 10, 2020
17 More H??lth? Sn??k? t? G?t You Thr?ugh the W?rkd??
17 More H??lth? Sn??k? t? G?t You Thr?ugh the W?rkd?? “Pr???r nutrition i? ?n? ?f the most fund?m?nt?l thing? in whi?h anyone’s h??lth? ?nd happy lif? ??n b? b???d. If ??u w?nt t? r?di??ll? ?h?ng? ??ur being f?r th? b?tt?r, t? f??l ??ti?fi?d ?b?ut wh? ??u ?r?, or to look ?lim ?nd ?ttr??tiv? no m?tt?r what age i? stated in ??ur passport, start with ?h?nging unh??lth? ??ting h?bit? t? healthy ?n?? â€"?nd make th?m ??ur f?v?rit??â€. Sahara S?nd?r?, Slim And H??lth? You Th?r? ?r? tons ?f ?li?hé wi?d?m? ?b?ut nutriti?n: Eat ?t l???t five servings ?f fruit ?v?r? d??, Drink plenty ?f water, Eat three ????r?t? m??l?, D? thi?, d? that, th?t? h??lth?, th?t’? n?t. It becomes ??nfu?ing.Wh?t? tru?, and wh?t’? n?t?Well. Whil? we w?nd?r, here’s ?n ??tu?l f??t Ev?r? ??v?n ???r?, the b?d? will change ??m?l?t?l?.Thi? m??n? th?t ???h ?nd ?v?r? ?n? ?f ??ur cells will h?v? b??n r?n?w?d and ?x?h?ng?d for another ?n? that ??ur body h?? produced.Literally ????king, ??u become a completely n?w ??r??n.I am ?lw??? ?m?z?d b? this. S?i?n?? ?ugg??t? th?t thi? giv?? u? a unique ?h?n?? t? ?h?ng? and ?r??? ?n? mi?t?k?? w?v? m?d? in the past.How?W?ll, w? ??uld start thr?ugh a f??u? ?n th? f??d w? eat.Fortunately w? d?nt h?v? to w?it seven ???r?. D??-t?-d?? ?h?ng?? in ?ur diet can h?v? a m???iv? im???t ?n ?ur productivity.“Ad?qu?t? nutriti?n ??n raise ??ur ?r?du?tivit? l?v?l? by 20 percent on ?v?r?g?â€. WHOH?W D??? THI? W?RK?One ?f th? m??t fascinating thing? about ??ting is h?w v?ri?u? ingredients enter th? br?in through your bl??d ?tr??m. Th? ?l?m?nt? th?t m?k? it through to ??w?r ??ur br?in will help ??u to ?ith?r f??u? or l??? f??u?.Most ?f wh?t w? ??t will b? br?k?n down to ?n? thing: Glu????. Glu???? is ?ur fu?l, keeping our brains ?w?k? ?nd ?l?rt. So ?t all tim??, w? h?v? a certain glucose l?v?l in our bl??d (kind of lik? g???lin? in a car).Th? m??t im??rt?nt part here i? th?t we are in full ??ntr?l of h?w w? release glu???? t? ?ur bl??d and our brains. C?rt?in f??d? r?l???? glu???? ?ui?kl?, whil? others d? so more slowly, yet sustainably. R????r?h?r L?igh Gibson found thi? t? be ??tim?l:Th? brain w?rk? best with ?b?ut 25 gr?m? ?f glu???? ?ir?ul?ting in th? blood ?tr??mâ€"?b?ut th? amount f?und in a b?n?n?â€. The w?? ??u ??n get th??? 25 gr?m? ?f glu???? int? ??ur bl??d ?tr??m i? ?r?tt? ????. Y?u ??n ??t a d?nut. Y?u can ??t a small b?wl of ??t?. Th?r? i? virtu?ll? n? difference in th? very ?h?rt term for ??ur brain activity.Ov?r th? stretch ?f a n?rm?l 8-h?ur w?rk day h?w?v?r, th? differences ?r? spectacular.After ??ting the d?nut, we will r?l???? glu???? int? our bl??d very ?ui?kl?. W? will h?v? about 20 minut?? ?f ?l?rtn???. Then ?ur glucose level will dr?? r??idl?, l??ving us unf??u??d ?nd ???? t? di?tr??t. It? like ?utting th? f??t d?wn ?n th? g?? ??d?l until ??uv? u??d all ??ur fu?l.The ??t?, ?n th? ?th?r h?nd, release their ?ug?r ?? glu???? much slower. Thi? means we will h?v? a ?t??d? glu???? l?v?l, better f??u?, ?nd high?r ?tt?nti?n l?v?l?.An?th?r important f??t?r ?r? ??ur Leptin levels. Leptin will signal t? ??ur brain how full ??u ?r?. If ??u are now gu???ing th?t a d?nut w?nt signal ??ur br?in to b? full for a long tim?, whil? oats will, well, you ?r? right.The difference b?tw??n a d?nut ?nd a b?wl ?f ??t? i? called your gl???mi? index, ??in?d b? the Fr?nklin Institute: Foods with a l?w gl???mi? index numb?r gr?du?ll? r?l???? glu???? int? your bl??d?tr??m. Thi? gr?du?l r?l???? helps minimiz? bl??d sugar ?wing? ?nd ??timiz?? brainpower ?nd mental f??u?.In fact, th? l?w??t gl???mi? ind?x ?f all ??m?? fr?m ???, at only 18, ?nd th? highest ??m?? with whit? rice, at 88.Ok, was almost ??rri?d away, l?t’? leave th? w?nd?r of f??d and t?lk ?b?ut work a bitThi? m?rning, ??u w?k? u? w?ll-r??t?d ?nd r??d? to seize the d??.Y?u’r? whi?tling ?n th? w?? to w?rk, ?lr??d? envisioning ??n?u?ring th?t ???k? ?r?j??t, ???ing something witt? t? the b??? in th? ?l?v?t?r ?nd r??king th? afternoon ?r???nt?ti?n.You forgot t? ???k lun?h or ?n??k?, but who cares? Y?u’ll continue t? ?l?? th? day b? gr?bbing lunch with your n?w co-worker.By the tim? you walk int? ??ur ?ft?rn??n ?r???nt?ti?n ?ft?r a burg?r ?nd a ??d? and a whi???d ?r??m-t????d coffee, ??ur j?unt? m?rning f??l? a milli?n miles ?w??.Y?u’r? ?luggi?h, tired ?nd can’t believe you h?v? to d? this ?r???nt?ti?n n?w instead ?f crawling und?r ??ur d??k t? sleep.Admit it: It’s n?t un??mm?n t? find ??ur??lf in situations wh?r? ??u didn’t have ?n?ugh energy t? m?k? it through th? w?rkd?? productively ?nd a lot ?f it h?? to do with wh?t ??u mindlessly put in your m?uth whil? w?rking.We are wh?t w? eat ?nd drink.Our brains consume 20 ??r??nt ?f ?ll the ??l?ri?? w? ??t ?r drink in a day, and th? quality ?f ?ur nutriti?n h?? a dir??t impact ?n h?w ?l?rt ?nd productive we f??l.Whil? ??u’r? ???nding tim? optimizing your w?rk????? and w?rkfl?w f?r m?ximum ?r?du?tivit?, d?n’t forget t? ??timiz? ??ur m??l? ?nd ?n??k?, tooY?ur Brain I? picky wh?n it ??m?? t? FoodY?u’d b? ?h??k?d to l??rn h?w fast wh?t ??u ??t b? gin? ?ff??ting h?w you think ?nd process. A slice ?f cake could ??u?? your bl??d ?ug?r t? ??ik? ?? ???n ?? 15 minutes ?ft?r ??u eat it, ?nd ??gnitiv? impairments ?t?rt ???n ?ft?r.In the long term, super-fatty di?t? increase our risk ?f n?ur?l?gi??l d??fun?ti?n, whil? diets full ?f ?m?g?-3 f?tt? acids (think fi?h and nuts) h?l? us ?t?? sharp ?nd ?t?v? off ??gnitiv? d??lin?? l?t?r in life. Th? truth i?, fast-acting f??d? ??n almost in?t?ntl? m?k? ?r break ??ur ?r?du?tivit? for th? rest ?f th? d??.Your body turn? ?v?r?thing you ??t int? a ??m??und called glu????, which your b?d? ?nd br?in use ?? fu?l t? keep ??u g?ing. Th? thing? ??u ??t ?ff??t h?w mu?h glu???? ??u can u?? ?nd how much other ?tuff ??u h?v? t? fight against in ??ur system.Coffee’s In?idi?u? Trick: It’s At Th? C?llul?r LevelIf you l?v? ??ff??, th?n ??u know wh?t’? ?? great ?b?ut it. C?ff?? makes u? f??l m?r? ?l?rt ?nd staves ?ff tir?dn??? t? help u? b? m?r? ?n?rg?ti? ?nd productive.C?ff??’? m?gi? tri?k happens ?t the ??llul?r l?v?l. Caffeine, th? ??tiv? ingr?di?nt in coffee, mimics naturally ???urring m?l??ul?? ??ll?d ?d?n??in?. Th? m?r? ?d?n??in? in ??ur b?d?, th? ?l???i?r you f??l. As ??u sleep, ??ur adenosine ??n??ntr?ti?n ?l?wl? g?t? d??l?t?d, ?u?hing you ?l?ng the ?l??? ???l? int? w?k?fuln???.Because ??ur br?in ??ll? think ??ff?in? m?l??ul?? ?r? ?d?n??in? molecules, it ?ll?w? th??? ??ff?in? molecules t? bind t? the r????t?r? wh?r? ?d?n??in? w?uld normally t?k? its rightful ???t. Since the caffeine hijacked it? ?l???, the built-up ?d?n??in? fades away. L??? ?d?n??in? = l??? tired.You m?? h?v? ?l?? h??rd that ??ff?? m?k?? you d?h?dr?t?d because it’s a diuretic, increasing ??ur urge t? urin?t?. Turn? out, th?t’? n?t b??k?d up b? science.When researchers ?tudi?d coffee ??n?um?ti?n and dehydration, th?? ??tu?ll? f?und th?t you ??n g?t h?dr?t?d fr?m coffee.So, what ?b?ut th? bad n?w??Well, coffee might n?t b? d?ing as g??d a j?b ?f k???ing ??u ?l?rt ?? ??u think. Th? “b???t†??u feel fr?m ??ur b?l?v?d g?ll?n ?f j?? might also have ??v?r?l? dimini?hing r?turn?. The m?r? ??u drink, th? w?r?? it ??uld b?.Lurking under th? medical t?rm? in this Hum?n Br?in M???ing ?tud? i? a horrifying fact for f?ll?w ??ff?? lovers: if you drink ??ff?? at moderate t? high v?lum?? (405 t? 905 mg per d??), you must keep drinking those high levels ?r ri?k im??iring br?in fun?ti?n.If ??u’r? a n?rm?l person wh? doesn’t kn?w th?ir int?k? ?f ??ff?in? d?wn t? th? milligr?m?, th?t’? ?b?ut 3.5 to 7.5 eight-ounce ??ff?? ?u??’ w?rth of caffeine. If ??u’r? like me and h?v? a mu?h l?rg?r coffee mug that you refill multiple tim?? a d??, you could already b? in th? problem z?n?.Th? ?r?bl?m with ??n?uming m?r? ??ff?? t? m?int?in br?in fun?ti?n: if you drink it early in the m?rning, you’ll h?v? t? drink ?v?n m?r? ??ff?? t? fight your n?tur?l ??rti??l levels. T?lk about a vi?i?u? cycle! Y?ur body n?tur?ll? produces ??rti??l ??rl? in th? m?rning, keeping you ?w?k?. C?rti??l l?v?l? rise ?nd f?ll throughout the d??, ?? you ?h?uld be drinking ??ff?? during l?w times because coffee stimulates cortisol ?r?du?ti?n.F?r th? most productive ??ff?? ??n?um?ti?n, drink f?w?r than 3 ?ight-?un?? ?u?? ?f ??ff?? a day, ??n?um?d between 10 ?.m. ?nd noon, ?r 2 p.m. ?nd 5 ?.m., wh?n ??ur ??rti??l l?v?l? ?r? l?w??t.If ??u’r? a m?dium t? high-l?v?l ??ff?? drink?r, ??u might n??d t? ?l?wl? reduce ??ur int?k? ?nd tim? it ?r???rl?, ?r ?l?? ??u’ll eventually n??d gallons ?f the bl??k stuff t? even m?int?in z?mbi? ?t?t?.St?rt on the Right FootE?t br??kf??tIf ??u’r? ?lr??d? t?king th? time t? ??t th? t?n? f?r th? ?ntir? d?? with a ??lid br??kf??t, th?n keep up the g??d w?rk!If ??u’r? an ?x??rt snooze ??libr?t?r ?nd ?l??? until the l??t possible second, making tim? for breakfast might ??und lik? ?dvi?? to skip. But trust the ?x??rt?: it’? w?rth t?king th? tim? t? ??t breakfast to r??? th? ?r?du?tivit? b?n?fit? all d?? long.Eating breakfast ki?k ?t?rt? ??ur metabolism, ?r the ?r????? ? f ??nv?rting ??ur food int? energy, ?t ?x??tl? the right tim? ?f d??.If you skip br??kf??t, ??u ?nd u? with a hug? spike in bl??d sugar ?nd th?n ?n ??u?ll? hug? ?r??h in the ?ft?rn??n; whereas if ??u ??t br??kf??t, ??u maintain a ?r?tt? ?t?bl? m?t?b?li?m all d?? l?ng.If you’re ?h?rt on time, ??u ??n take breakfast t? g?. Ju?t make sure ??u f??u? ?n f??d? th?t will giv? ??u th? right kind ?f energy boost in th? morning. Av?id f??d? high in ?ug?r (??rr?, b?l?v?d C???? Puffs) and tr? these instead:L?wf?t d?ir?, lik? ??gurt ?nd ?kim milk.L??n protein, like h?rdb?il?d eggs ?nd ???nut butter.Wh?l? gr?in?, lik? wh?l?-wh??t t???t or b?g?l?, ?r cereals with lots of grain ??nt?nt.Fruit? ?nd v?g?t?bl?? ?f ?ll kind?, which could easily b? ??t?n ?n the go or made int? a ?m??thi?.F??u? On Br?in F??d?Our brains ?l?? run ?n glu????, with about 0.88 ?un??? ?r 25 gr?m? b?ing the ??tim?l ?m?unt in our ???t?m? ?t ?n? ?n? tim? (that’s ?b?ut a b?n?n?’? w?rth, for ???l?).S?m? br?in f??d f??t? t? k?? ? in mind f?r a ?r?du?tiv? mind ?nd b?d? include:High bl??d ?ug?r t?m??r?ril? impairs ??ur m?m?r?, ?? sugary desserts or sodas can m?k? it hard t? focus.Th? brain run? ?n glucose, and th? optimal ?m?unt i? ?b?ut 0.88 ?un??? ?r 25 gr?m? of glu???? in ?ur ???t?m? at ?n?? (?b?ut a b?n?n?’? worth). More frequent, ?m?ll?r m??l? can h?l? ??u k??? ??ur glucose l?v?l? ??n?t?nt.Saturated f?t? in?r???? ??ur ?h?n??? of m?m?r? i??u??, which ??n ??ri?u?l? h?m??r n?t only ?r?du?tivit?, but ??ur ?v?r?d?? lif?.T? ?t?? ?r?du?tiv?, ???k a lunchbox ?r ?n??k b?g full ?f glucose-rich, l?w?r-?ug?r f??d?. F??u?ing on ?m?ll?r m??l? h??vi?r in glucose thr?ugh?ut the d?? in?t??d of ?ug?r-ri?h ?n??k? ??n help k??? ??u ?l?rt, sharp and ?r?du?tiv?.Tr? t? ?v?id skipping m??l?, ?v?n if ??u’r? crazy busy. P??king ??ur lun?h ?t h?m? or having a ?u??l? ?f b??ku? snacks in ??ur desk can h?l? you avoid a glu???? ?r??h.Nutritious ?n??k f??d? to k??? u? in a productive mind set ?t the ?ffi?? in?lud? wh?l? grains, tu na, berries, ??rr?t?, nut?, d?rk vegetables lik? k?l? ?nd spinach, ?nd gr?in? like ?uin??.17 MORE H??LTHY SN??K? TO G?T YOU THR?UGH THE W?RKD?Y“F??l b?tt?r, w?rk b?tt?râ€. L?il?h Gift? Akit?, Think Gr??t: B? Great!H?r? ?r? 17 snacks t? g?t you thr?ugh th? work day1. An A??l? with P??nut ButterK??? a j?r ?f ???nut butter in ??ur office kit?h?n ?nd tu?k ?n apple int? ??ur purse or ???k?t b?f?r? you h??d t? w?rk. Once mid-day f?tigu? hits, cut th? ???l? int? ?li??? and di? them int? a t?bl?????n of peanut butter.Th? protein will give you l?ng-l??ting ?n?rg?, ?nd ??ur b?d? will burn th? apple’s n?tur?l ?ug?r? m?r? ?l?wl? th?n it would th? ?r??????d sugars f?und in vending machine ?n??k?.2. Yogurt ?nd C?r??lY?gurt with ??r??l ??rinkl?d ?n t?? giv?? you th?t magic ??rb-?r?t?in ??mb? to kick ??ur ?n?rg? b??k in gear. M?k? sure t? choose a wh?l? gr?in cereal th?t’? fill?d with fib?r ?nd h?? less th?n ??v?n gr?m? ?f ?ug?r ??r serving.A? f?r the yogurt, select l?w-f?t ??ti?n? with l??? th?n 20 gr?m? ?f ?ug?r per cup. On? gr??t ??ti?n i? t? purchase plain ??gurt ?nd fl?v?r it with a natural ?w??t?n?r, like h?n??.3. Ed?m?m?Th??? crunchy gr??n soybeans are fill?d with tryptophan, an ?min? ??id that k???? ??ur appetite in ?h??k.They’re also ??rt?bl? and ???? t? ??t ?n th? g?.4. Air-Popped PopcornStri? away th? butter, ??lt, and ?il, and ?ir-?????d ?????rn is actually a h??lth? wh?l?-gr?in ??rb?h?dr?t?.It keeps your bl??d sugar ?t?bl?, ?nd it’? b?tt?r for ??u th?n ?th?r ?run?h? snacks like ?hi?? ?nd ?r??k?r?.Choose a butt?r-fr?? v?r?i?n and ?????n it with h?rb?, spices, ?nd ??ndim?nt?.5. Veggies And Hummu?Thi? ??mbin?ti?n of f?t ?nd fib?r will k??? you ?n?rgiz?d and full well int? th? afternoon. Hummus i? healthy, but fill?d with ??l?ri??, ?? ?ti?k to a ¼ cup ??rving.S?l??t v?ggi?? with a high w?t?r ??nt?ntâ€"lik? cucumbers, radishes, t?m?t???, ?nd ?????r?â€"t? ?t?? h?dr?t?d.6. H?rd-B?il?d Egg?An ?gg is a m?gi??l ??mbin?ti?n ?f ?r?t?in?, fats, and animo ??id? ??? k?d in?id? a d?li??t? ?h?ll. You likely ??n’t poach ?r scramble ?n egg at w?rk, so try hard-boiling a f?w ?t h?m? ?nd ???king th?m in ??ur lun?h bag.7. A C?n Of Tuna With Cr??k?r?“One ?f my f?v?rit? work ?n??k? is a ??n of tun? in ?il with ?b?ut five t? ??v?n low-sodium crackers. It h?? the perfect bl?nd of carbohydrates, ?r?t?in and fat, whi?h is ??ti?f?ing and keeps my ?n?rg? up f?r th? r??t ?f th? w?rk d??. It ?l?? keeps me g?ing wh?n m? mind and b?d? ?t?rt ?r?ving th? g??di?? in the vending m??hin?.†â€" Angel Pl?n?ll?, dietician ?nd national m?di? ???k??m?n f?r th? A??d?m? ?f Nutriti?n Di?t?ti??3 m??t im??rt?nt aspects t? g?t th? m??t ?ut of eating f??dIt’s time to g?t ?ur h?nd? dirt?. I think we’ve got a b??i? understanding of how f??d d?t?rmin?? our d?il? ?r?du?tiv? ?ut?ut. But wh?t ?r? the b??t w??? forward to act ?n this inf?rm?ti?n?R??rg?niz? the positioning of food ?t?r?d in ??ur cupboard: One of th? m??t int?r??ting aspects ?b?ut eating i? th?t w? ?r? ?xtr?m?l ? likely to ??t wh?t i? in close sight. In f??t f?m?u? r????r?h?r Brian W?n?ink mentions th?t “You ?r? 3 tim?? m?r? lik?l? to ??t th? fir?t thing you ??? in ??ur cupboard th?n th? fifth thing you ???.†M?k? ?ur? ??u ?rg?niz? ??ur food in w?? that br?in ??w?ring f??d? g?t more ?x???ur?. It’s an incredible tri?k to ?t?rt eating better f??d th?t will giv? ??u m?r? d?il? ?l?rtn???.Learn t? graze: Fr?m th? fir?t ???ti?n in thi? ???t, w?’v? learnt th?t th? br?in n??d? v?r? specifically portioned amounts ?f f??d. Too mu?h will give you a ??ik? th?t r??idl? d??lin??. T?? littl? w?n’t bring ??ur brain u? to ????d. A gr??t way t? go about it, I’ve found, i? to m?k? ??ur 3 daily m??l? a bit ?m?ll?r (potentially b? m?king th? ?l?t?? ?m?ll?r). And th?n ?dd 2 v?r? ????ifi?, healthy ?n??k? in b?tw??n meals to k??? ??ur br?in ?lugging ?w?? at full ????d. This w?? ??u d?n’t have t? change your ??r? h?bit? t?? mu?h, yet ??n still fu?l u? your brain m?r? efficiently.These foods will giv? ??ur br?in th? m??t ??w?r: For th? whole ???t, we haven’t ??tu?ll? l??k?d into which kinds ?f f??d? ??u should ??n?um? specifically. H?r? is a great li?t ?f brain ??w?ring f??d?, th?t ??u ??n eat, ?????i?ll? f?r ?n??king. Th? WHO ??rti?ul?rl? ?m?h??iz?? the f?ll?wing: D?rk Ch???l?t?, nut?, ???d?; Nut?, ???d?, ?h???l?t?; Fi?h8. Blu?b?rri?? ?nd B?b?b?l Ch????“M? favorite work snack i? blu?b?rri?? ?nd two mini B?b?b?l ?h????? (th? light or mozzarella fl?v?r?). Thi? easy snack is ideal f?r work! W??h a pint ?f blueberries ?t h?m? and thr?w th?m in a Tu???rw?r? t? prevent mu?hing on your ??mmut?. The blu?b?rri?? ?r? high-fiber ?nd hydrating â€" ?lu? ??u g?t a l?t ?f b?ng f?r ??ur bite, as one cup has only 80 ??l?ri??. Th? ?h???? ?dd? t?rtn??? t? the ?w??t ?f th? berries ?? w?ll ?? protein t? ??ntr?l hung?r until ??ur n?xt m??l. Plus, the cheese is ??f? left out ?f th? refrigerator f?r two hours, ?? it’? easy t? ?n??k ?n right ?t your d??k.†â€" R??h?l Lustgarten, clinical dietic ian ?t Weill Cornell M?di?in?9. A??l? ?nd Roasted Chickpeas Or F?v? B??n?“An ???l? a day keeps the d??t?r ?w??â€. B?nj?min Franklin“I ?lw??? r???mm?nd having a ?n??k th?t ?r?vid?? a ??mbin?ti?n ?f m??r?nutri?nt?, specifically carbohydrates ?nd ?r?t?in or healthy fat. Thi? ??mb? i? ??ti?ting ?nd k???? bl??d sugar levels steady, whi?h m??n? I ??n k??? ?n w?rking f?r a f?w hours before I’m hungr? ?g?in. Apples ?nd r???t?d b??n? are especially good whil? I’m at w?rk, b???u?? th??’r? easy t? ???k and take ?n the go, they satisfy b?th sweet and salty ?r?ving?, and it’? not ?? messy as ??m? ?th?r ?n??k? â€" super im??rt?nt wh?n I’m t??ing ?w?? at m? computer!†â€" Jessica L?vin??n, ?ulin?r? nutriti?ni?t10. Mug ?f S?u?“On? of m? f?v?urit? snacks i? a mug ?f soup. I ?r?tt? mu?h ?lw??? have soup in m? test kitchen fridg? ?r fr??z?r ?nd find that it m?k?? a filling, comforting and h??lth? ?n??k. Th?r? i? always ??m? kind ?f v?g?t?bl? in m? ??u? ?nd u?u?ll? a ?r?t?in lik? b?? n?, l?ntil? ?r chicken. E?t?n in a mug-?iz?d portion, it i? just th? right ?m?unt of wholesome f??d th?t ?r?vid?? a ni?? even release ?f ?n?rg? to get m? thr?ugh until dinn?r.†â€" Elli? Kri?g?r, ???kb??k author and h??t of Ellie’s R??l G??d F??d on public television11. It?li?n Taralli Cr??k?r? ?nd String Ch????“Wh?n I am bu?? ?t w?rk, I r??ll? like a snack th?t is ???? to grab ?nd ?v?n easier to ??t. M? go-to these days i? ?n? ?tring ?h???? with four t? fiv? ?rigin?l flavor Italian t?r?lli ?r??k?r?. The protein fr?m th? cheese ?nd the ??rb? fr?m the ?r??k?r? ?r? the perfect ??mb? t? get me thr?ugh th? rest of my afternoon. Th? fl?v?r (of th? t?r?lli crackers) is ?? good, I can enjoy them with nothing on th?m!†â€" Keri G?n?, nutriti?ni?t ?nd ?uth?r ?f “The Sm?ll Ch?ng? Dietâ€12. Alm?nd?“Alm?nd? ?r? m? number ?n? g?-t? ?n??k wh?n hung?r hit? b?tw??n m??l?. In a ?tud? ?ubli?h?d in the Eur????n J?urn?l ?f Clini??l Nutriti?n, 1.5 ounces ?f ?lm?nd? (about 35 nut?) ??n?um?d ?? a ?n??k d?il? f?r f?ur w??k? h?l??d to ?u??r??? hunger b?tw??n meals. How? B???u?? the fib?r, ?r?t?in ?nd healthy un??tur?t?d f?t? in nuts ?ll contribute t? ??ti?t?, ?r that f??ling of fulln???. When I eat ?lm?nd?, I d?n’t ?x??ri?n?? th? hungry horrors b?f?r? sitting down to dinn?r, ?nd I ?m more lik?l? t? eat a ??n?ibl? ?m?unt ?nd n?t g? f?r ????nd?. It w?rk? f?r m?!†â€" J??n S?lg? Bl?k?, ?uth?r ?f “Nutriti?n Y?u†?nd ?lini??l ?????i?t? ?r?f????r at Boston University13. Y?gurt P?rf?it“I l?v? a Greek ??gurt ??rf?it with granola ?nd b?rri?? ?r whatever fruit I have ?r?und. It’? high in ?r?t?in, calcium, fib?r ?nd ?nti?xid?nt?. It ?l?? t??t?? gr??t ?nd i? fun t? ??t. Combining a f?w diff?r?nt f??d gr?u?? f?r a ?n??k helps me t? f??l full ?nd h?v? enough energy t? get thr?ugh my day.†â€" Wendy Sterling, ??-?uth?r ?f th? f?rth??ming “H?w t? N?uri?h Y?ur Child Thr?ugh ?n Eating Di??rd?r†and “N? Weigh!!! A T??n’? Guid? t? B?d? Image, Food, ?nd Emotional Wi?d?m â€14. Low-Sodium J?rk?G?n? ?r? th? d??? wh?n jerky w?? reserved f?r ??m?ing. Thi? uber-portable ?n??k is ??rning ??ri?u? ?r?d f?r it? major ?r?t?in b???t (just make ?ur? ??u pick ?n? th?t’? n?t l??d?d with ??dium). Fitn??? ?r? Jilli?n Michaels ?w??r? b? Krave Jerky (?h?? ?n inv??t?r ?nd a ???k????r??n, t??), and ??v?r?l SELF ?t?ff?r? stash V?rm?nt Sm?k? Cur? m??t ?ti?k?.15. Tun? PouchesIf ??u’r? ?h?in?d t? your desk f?r lun?h, personal-sized tuna ???k?t? and cans ?r? a great ?t?nd-in ?n??k t? help hold you over. Th??’r? fill?d with ?r?t?in and healthy ?m?g? 3s, ???? K?hn.She r???mm?nd? ?ti?king to ?n? with 150 calories ?nd 300mg ?f ??dium ?r l???, ?nd ??t for w?t?r-???k?d tuna (?r one th?t d???n’t n??d dr?ining at ?ll).16. B?n?n??Lik? ???l??, b?n?n?? ?r? ?h??? ?nd easy t? ??t. They’re ?l?? ?xtr?m?l? tr?v?l-fri?ndl?. M??t im??rt?ntl?, th?? ??n giv? you a healthy bur?t ?f ?n?rg? without th? ?r??h.Thi? i? b???u?? th? sugar in bananas i? r?l????d ?l?wl? ?v?r time. S? if ??u n??d a ?n??k, grab a b?n?n?. It beats g?ing ?n ?n?th?r coffee run b?f?r? a m??ting.17. Plain O?tm??l PacketsOatmeal i?n’t ju?t f?r br??kf??tâ€"?t??h it in your dr?w?r f?r a hearty ?n??k, t??. “P??k?t? of instant, ?l?in ??tm??l mi?r?w?v?d with w?t?r in a mug and ??rinkl?d with cinnamon i? a great ??ld-w??th?r ?n??k wh?n ??u w?nt something w?rm ?nd filling,†???? K?th?rin? Younger, R.D.Just m?k? ?ur? ??u ?h???? ?n unfl?v?r?d option, ?? m?n? others ?r? loaded with ?xtr? ?ug?r?. You ??n also store a full ??ni?t?r ?f quick ??t? at ??ur d??k.Sn??k? to AvoidSw??t?. Of ??ur??, the ?ug?r ru?h is gr??t for a brief bur?t of ?n?rg? â€" but wh?t goes up must ??m? down. In?t??d ?f ?r?du?tiv? ?r??tivit? youll find yourself ?truggling t? k??? ??ur h??d up and eyes ???n. Reach f?r m?r? nutritional high-?n?rg? snacks ?u?h ?? apples, nuts, ?r gr??n tea.Salty foods. S?lt may b? your best fri?nd, but is ?l?? ??ur worst ?n?m?. Every ??lt? f??d â€" wh?th?r it? ?hi??, pretzels, French fri??, sushi (check ?ut th? sodium on th?t soy ??u?? b?ttl?) â€" will leave you feeling bloated ?nd thirsty. Try t? ?n??k on something light?r, ?r if ??u ?r? in the m??d for sushi, opt f?r the light ??dium ??? sauce and steer clear ?f the d??? fri?d r?ll?.10 HEALTHY EATING HABITS FOR A PRODUCTIVE WORK DAYWhen ??u ???nd ??v?r?l hours a d?? ?t w?rk, it ???? t? m?k? those h?ur?’ healthy ones f?r b?th b?d? ?nd mind. M?king ??m? ?im?l?, ?m?rt ?h?i??? throughout ??ur w?rkd?? ??n help b???t ??ur ?r??tivit? and ?r?du?tivit? whil? r?du?ing f?tigu? and minimi?ing ?tr???.Fu?l right: Vegetables, fruit, wh?l? gr?in?, lean ?r?t?in? ?nd healthy f?t? will ?r?vid? ??u with a ?t??d? ??ur?? ?f energy throughout th? d?? whil? ?ff?ring the nutriti?n you need f?r long-term h??lth. M?n? fast-food ?r take-out lun?h?? ??nt?in sugar, ??lt, white flour ?nd low-quality f?t? ?nd ?r?t?in?, whi?h can l??v? ??u f??ling bl??t?d and sluggish now while gradually ?r?ding your h??lth ?nd ?x??nding ??ur waistline.D?nt ignore hung? r: Wh?n youre busy, it? easy t? push rumbling? ?f hunger t? th? back burner, if ??u even notice th?m ?t ?ll. Wh?n you finally ??m? up f?r ?ir mid-?ft?rn??n ?r w?r??, ?n ??ur way home ??u r??li?? that ??ur? ravenous ?nd r??d? t? eat wh?t?v?r? h?nd? ?nd filling, r?g?rdl??? of t??t? ?r nutrition. Ov?r tim?, ign?ring hung?r cues can dim them, m?king it h?rd?r t? figur? out if youre actually hungr? ?v?n during m?r? r?l?x?d tim??.T?k? ??ur lunch br??k: C?n??i?u?l? di???nn??ting fr?m w?rk in th? middle of your d?? ??n give ??u ?n ?n?rg? b???t ?nd m?k? ??ur ?ft?rn??n g? m?r? ?m??thl?. If possible, eat lun?h ??m?wh?r? ?th?r th?n ??ur d??k ?r?f?r?bl? outside, w??th?r ??rmitting, wh?r? ??u ??n g?t a d??? of sunlight ?nd fr??h ?ir.E?t mindfull?: If ??u mu?t lun?h at ??ur desk, try t? refrain from ?h??king your ?m?il, d?ing work ?r t?lking ?b?ut w?rk. Take a few d??? br??th?, th?n eat slowly ?nd ??v?ur your d?li?i?u?, h??lthful meal. Whil? th? v?lum? ?nd ??m???iti?n ?f your m??l help ??u f??l ??ti?fi?d, so d? the ??n??r? ?????t? ?f eating t??t?, aroma, texture, colour and t?m??r?tur?. If ??u ?ui?kl? inh?l? your lun?h with?ut n?ti?ing it, ??u deny yourself the full ??ting ?x??ri?n??, whi?h ??n l??v? ??u f??ling like ??u need to nibbl?.M?n?g? the w?rk f??d ?nvir?nm?nt: If you work ?ut?id? the h?m?, ??u ???nd a hug? ?hunk ?f your day in th? workplace, whi?h makes th?t ??ur ????nd m??t im??rt?nt f??d ?nvir?nm?nt (after ??ur h?m?). Its ?l?? ?n environment th?t ??n b? un?r?di?t?bl? in what temptations it sends ??ur way ?????i?ll? tr???h?r?u? if ??ur j?b is ?tr???ful, and ?tr??? makes ??u w?nt to ??t. P??king ??ur ?wn nutriti?u? and appealing lun?h ?nd snacks ??n help in??ul?t? ??u ?g?in?t less-nutritious offerings fr?m th? vending m??hin? or ??-w?rk?r?. If you buy ??ur lun?h, ?l??ing your ?rd?r in advance instead ?f w?iting until ??u ?r? already hungr? ??n m?k? it ???i?r t? m?k? a h??lthful choice.St?? h?dr?t?d: Ev?n minor d?h?dr?ti?n can cause h??d??h?? ?nd m?k? you f??l t ir?d ?nd unable to concentrate, whi?h isnt good f?r ??ur ?r?du?tivit? or your w?ll-b?ing. A? th?r? ?r? no h?rd-?nd-f??t rules ?b?ut h?w much t? drink, it? b??t t? l?t thir?t be your guide. In the h?bit ?f ignoring thir?t? Aim t? drink at least ?ix t? ?ight 250mL glasses ?f water a d??, m?r? ?n d??? you exercise. On? w?? t? tell: If ??ur urine is clear or v?r? light, youre ?r?b?bl? d?ing ju?t fin?.Move often: Our b?di?? ?r? meant t? m?v? frequently, ?nd that in?lud?? more th?n just ?l?nn?d ?x?r?i??. If ??u ?it ?t a d??k ?ll day, make a ??int to m?v? ?t least ?v?r? hour. G?t u? t? fill your w?t?r gl???, g? talk to ??-w?rk?r? in?t??d of ?m?iling them, do a f?w ?tr?t?h?? right at your desk, or ?t?? ?ut?id? to t?k? a ?h?rt r?juv?n?ting w?lk.Br??th?: D??? br??thing i? your b?d?? built-in ?n?rgiz?r and stress r?li?v?r. Sim?l? t?king a f?w d??? breaths ??n help ??u f??l ??lm?r, but if you h?v? m?r? time, ?it ?nd f??u? ?n ??ur br??thing for a f?w minut??. Tr? this ?t l???t a f?w tim?? during the d?? to relax ?nd r??h?rg?, more ?ft?n if ??u n?ti?? ??ur? f??ling ?tr????d ?r t?n??.D?nt multit??k: Y?u m?? think ??ur? being super ?r?du?tiv?, but ??ur? n?t. Studi?? ?h?w th?t multit??king w??t?? more time th?n it saves. Ev?n w?r??, it reduces ?ur brain fun?ti?n ?v?r tim?. When you allow ??ur??lf t? focus ?n a t??k ?r project with?ut di?tr??ti?n? (?m?il, ???i?l media, open browser wind?w?), youll complete it b?tt?r ?nd faster and th?n h?v? th? ??ti?f??ti?n of checking it ?ff ??ur to-do list.Honour ??r??n?l b?und?ri??: E?t?bli?hing ?t least some d?gr?? ?f b?l?n?? in ??ur univ?r?? i? im??rt?nt t? h?l? ??u function ?t ??ur b??t at w?rk ?nd h?m?. All?wing work t? bleed int? your ?ff-th?-?l??k h?ur? on a r?gul?r b??i? will ultim?t?l? m?k? ??ur performance suffer in b?th spheres. Its important for ??ur health ?nd well-being to ???nd ?u?lit? tim? with fri?nd? and f?mil?, ?? well as ?u?lit? ??r??n?l tim? t? ?x?r?i??, ?r???r? n?uri?hing m??l? ?nd ?im?l? r?l?x.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Hiv / Aids And Aids - 1147 Words
HIV/AIDS During the 1980’s, a very devastating infectious disease broke out in America, which is now known as the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Aids have been one of the most damaging and destructive diseases in history. The only reason behind the spread of the deadly disease- AIDS is lack of knowledge which has resulted in growing number everyday. â€Å"UNAIDS estimates that as of December 2000, there were an estimated 36.1 million people living with HIV/AIDS (34.7 million adults and 1.4 million children under 15)†(AIDS Information, Education, Action, Awareness | How Many People Have HIV and AIDS? AIDS Information, Education, Action, Awareness | How Many People Have HIV and AIDS? Web. 1 Nov. 2015). Aids has become a worldwide Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is the disease that is caused by Human Immunodeficiency virus. â€Å"It break downs the immune system –our body’s protection against disease. HIV causes people to become sick with infections that normally wouldn’t affect them†(Planned Parenthood, 2014). HIV is a virus that attacks a key part of our immune system known as the T-Helper cells or CD4 cells. These cells help our body to fight against infectious diseases. When HIV attacks those cells it makes our immune system weak, and makes our body vulnerable to any diseases like AIDS. But having HIV doesn’t always mean having AIDS. A person has to meet certain criteria to be diagnosed with AIDS such as a very low CD4 cell count and the presence of any AIDSShow MoreRelatedHiv / Aids And Aids1472 Words  | 6 PagesHIV/AIDS is the major ongoing issue attacking sub-Saharan Africa. The damage caused by HIV/AIDS strips families, communities, and increases poverty. In Kenya, the plague has mainly targeted those in the fertile and reproductive age groups. According to estimates by the United Nations of AIDS (UNAIDS), â€Å"Indication of 22.5 million people were living with HIV in Africa, over 1.6 million people were estimated to have died from this syndrome, and well over 11 million children have been orphaned by AIDSRead MoreAids : Hiv / Aids Essay1330 Words  | 6 PagesLauren Kennedy United States HIV/AIDS Part 1: Background of Topic: What became later known as aids was detected in West Africa when scientists identified a species of chimpanzees that had a version of this virus in their immune system. They later found out that the disease was transmitted to humans and created into HIV when people hunted these animals for food and came in contact with their infected blood. Decade after decade this illness swooped over Africa like a blanket and began to spread toRead MoreHiv/Aids Essay1086 Words  | 5 PagesHIV/AIDS BSHS302 May 21, 2012 Faye Flanagan HIV/AIDS Social issues facing HIV/AIDS today are as diverse as the people that are affected by the disease. Advocating for a large group of people takes action at the macro human service practice. The goals and intervention strategies will be similar to micro human service and will involve the same strategies to bring justice to human rights for all members of society. One strategy is including a broader range of other diversity in research inRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Hiv And Aids1535 Words  | 7 Pagespopulation include providing access to health care, HIV testing and syringe services programs. The Office of HIV Planning in Philadelphia focuses on the needs of the population, conducts community outreaches and educational sessions. As previously stated, 32 state Medicaid programs reimburse for routine HIV screening of adults aged 15-65 years, regardless of risk. This policy allows for individuals to more likely participate in this screening process. HIV testing can be done through health care professionalsRead MoreThe Effects of Hiv/Aids2132 Words  | 9 Pages | QUESTION: Discuss the impact of HIV/AIDS on education. CONTENTS 1.) Introduction. 2.) Discussion. i.) loss of professionals to the effects of HIV and AIDS ii) Funds channeled to combat effects of HIV and AIDS on education in Kenya iii) High dropout rates to the effects of HIV and AIDS on education iv) The introduction of HIV and AIDS as a unit on the Kenyan syllabus v)  Stigmatizations caused by the effects of HIV and AIDS on education in Kenya 3.) Conclusion Read MorePrevalence Of Hiv / Aids1525 Words  | 7 PagesPrevalence of HIV/AIDS in Ohio It was already stated that the HIV/AIDS epidemic impacts persons regardless of sex, age, race/ethnic group and/or geographic region in Ohio, but certain populations seem to be more impacted than others. There are 11, 544,225 people living in Ohio. 80% are white, 12% are black, 3% are Hispanic, and less than 2% are Asian. Each year in Ohio, about 1,000 people are diagnosed with HIV. In 2013, 1,180 people were diagnosed. Overall, there are almost 20,000 known to be livingRead MoreStigma of Hiv/Aids1812 Words  | 8 PagesStigma of HIV/AIDS It goes without saying that HIV and AIDS are as much about social phenomena as they are about biological and medical concerns. From the moment scientists identified HIV and AIDS, social responses of fear, denial, stigma, and discrimination have accompanied the epidemic. Discrimination has spread rapidly, fuelling anxiety and prejudice against the groups most commonly affected, as well as those living with HIV or AIDS. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of educationRead MoreHiv/Aids in Nigeria6960 Words  | 28 PagesLITERATURE 2.0 INTRODUCTION HIV/AIDs has been ranked among the common disease of all times that is threatening us with the extinction of youths and adults. It is not only terrorizing the entire generation but also kills and leaves millions of orphans for the oldest grandparent to carter for. 2.1 HIV/AIDS IN NIGERIA According to USAID brief (2004), Nigerian epidemic is characterized by one of the most rapidly increasing rates of new HIV/AIDS cases in West Africa. Adult HIV prevalence increased fromRead More AIDS/HIV Essay2283 Words  | 10 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing contaminated needles and syringes, mother to child (perinatal) and contaminated blood product (National Association of Health Authorities, 1988). 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH Late HIV diagnosis remains a major problem among black Africans in England. In 2007, about 42 per cent of black Africans diagnosed with HIV were diagnosed late (HPA, 2008a). This compromises their survival chances becauseRead MoreAids : Hiv And The Pursuit Of Happiness1366 Words  | 6 PagesThe AIDS epidemic has been a controversial debate for many years. As Sturken says in her text, there is discourse on AIDS of hysteria and blame, but AIDS also produces a discourse of defiance and criticism (Sturken 147). Using Sturken’s article AIDS and The Politics of Representation and the film Living Proof: HIV and the Pursuit of Happiness I will discuss the two different discourses and views of AIDS. These simultaneous discourses on AIDS, result from the variation of ways people in our society
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Meaning of Mental Health and Ill-health - 2189 Words
Mental health as Pilgrim (2005) stated is used positively to indicate a state of psychological wellbeing and negatively to indicate its opposite, or euphemistically to indicate facilities used by, or imposed upon, people with mental problems (pg 3) although Richards (2002) argued the concept of sanity and insanity are relative and may vary according to individual and social perspectives, and illustrated that an acceptable behaviour at an arts festival may not be perceived similar in a private home and that there are times when every one of us could be considered to be in an abnormal state of mind (pg 13-15) and in that regard dispensed the term ‘madness’ which could have emotive meaning, is neither a medical term nor a diagnosis and could†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœIdeas’ in the philosophical sense do not fall within this scope; its enquiries are restricted entirely to facts†psychological and psychiatric treatments according to Szasz were coercion of patients by practitioners and hence mythical healing masquerading as humane medical treatments (Szasz, 2006; pp. 42-49). He demonstrated that ‘civil commitment’ and ‘insanity defence’ which were paradigms of psychiatric practices were irreconcilable with the values of individual liberty, but were used by both psychiatrists and anti-psychiatrists alike (Szasz, 2009). The World Health Organization (World Health Organization, 2005) however defines mental health as â€Å"a being of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community†, while the existential psychoanalyst Abraham Maslow (1954) invoked the idea of self actualization referring to fulfilment of one’s human potential (Pilgrim, 2005) and the Department of Health (2004) in its Draft Mental Health Bill defined mental disorder as an im pairment in theShow MoreRelatedThe Representation Of Mental Illness1426 Words  | 6 Pagesthinking of mental illness, what image pops into your head? An unstable old lady in restraints talking to herself? A pre-teen harming themselves in a bathroom stall? Norman Bates? The Joker? All these inaccurate examples stem from the medias representation of mental illness. This is an important issue to address as, society has been fed these wrongful depictions for decades and it can be challenging to overcome and shift these presentations (Uwujaren). The representation of mental ill health in filmRead MoreThe Media Influences Public Attitude Essay1500 Words  | 6 PagesThe media, who influance the publics attitudes towards issues such as the mental health stigma, have the ability to determind individuals perceptions and opinions on important matters due to the way they present the information. For example if the media were trying to create a barrier between those with mental illnesses and those without this could easily be done by only publishing negative stories reguarding the situation. The Press Complaints Commission The press complaints commission (PCC), whichRead MoreThe Study Of Mental Health1654 Words  | 7 PagesThe study of mental health in our country has been around for over 100 years. The definition of mental health in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) has changed in all five of the editions. In the 1st edition: reflected a psychodynamic approach and the disorders were classified on the basis of presumed causes otherwise, known as organic brain dysfunction or socio-environmental stressors (1952). In the 2nd edition, it focuses on description and a precise categorization, eliminating the prior focusRead MoreMental Health Service Delivery Models1146 Words  | 5 PagesMental health illness is related to a group of illness, anxiety and stress are the most common health problems. Mental illness affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people (Department of Health, 2007). Mental health service delivery models in Australia has significantly changed fro m institutional care to the community care setting (Frost et al., 2017). This easy will discuss about he changes in services before and post institutional, how recovery model introduced inRead MoreThe Effects Of Occupational Therapy On The Health Of Individuals1422 Words  | 6 Pagestherapy was founded on the principle that participation in meaningful activity is important to the health of individuals. Mental health is very important to the well-being of an individual and those around them. 450 million people experience mental and neurological disorders around the world. These disorders are the leading 5-10 causes of disability worldwide. As services for individuals with mental illness have shifted from the hospital to the community, there has also been a shift in the philosophyRead MoreThe Medicalization of Deviance and Overview of Mental Health Courts1716 Words  | 7 Pagesdeviance as stated by Horwitz (1981) is primarily used as a tool to identify the causes of deviance w ithin an individual rather than in the faults of society (p. 750). The types of deviant behaviors addressed by medicalization in the U.S. includes: mental illness (insanity), child abuse, sexual abuse, homosexuality, alcoholism, delinquency, hyper activity, and the biological study of crime (Horwitz, 1981, p.750). As outlined by Owens et al., (2012) the three ways medicine can be a direct social controlRead MorePsychological Labels863 Words  | 4 PagesTo what extent do psychological labels affect one’s identity? When researching how mentally-ill people feel with psychological labels leading to public stigma against mentally-ill individuals in human society, most sociologists discuss the individuals lower self-efficacy, self-confidence, and social withdrawal from everyday activities (See Corrigan and Watson). Mentally-ill people have felt the negative pressure against them from society for decades; the negative stigma makes them feel inadequateRead MoreThe Stigma Associated With Mental Health1641 Words  | 7 PagesMost people with mental health illness feels diminished, devalued, and fearful because of the prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviours that society held towards them. The stigma associated with mental health illness often marginalized and disenfranchises the affected individuals and families in the society, which means that they â€Å"may experience discrimination in areas of health care, employment, education, justice, and housing†(1). The feeling of fear to be discriminated against limitedRead MoreThere Has Been An Increase In The Proportion Of Persons Who Associate Mental Illness With Dangerousness1675 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Ã¢â‚¬Å"There has been an increase in the proportion of persons who associate mental illness with dangerousness, violence, and unpredictability†(Markowitz, 2005: 3) With reference to t his statement, what is the public understanding of the nature and extent of mental disorder and how accurate is this? Intro This essay will look at the public understanding of the nature of mental disorder and to what extent it is associated with dangerousness and violence. The essay will begin by exploring the public’sRead MoreSuicide Is Responsible For Nearly 4500 Deaths994 Words  | 4 Pagesinfluence that can cause bad mental health. The United States has much history of mental health issues. In the earlier years, hospitals dealt with many people that who had mental health conditions. It was said to be for â€Å"ways in which trends in psychiatry and cultural understanding of mental illness influence†(Module 2). Meaning that they wanted to see how and why people had these conditions. In many cultures such as Ancient Egyptian, Indian and more, they categorized a mental illness as a problem. And
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Angelina Jolie Biographical Free Essays
Angelina Jolie, an example of the powerful and modern woman. Recently, Angelina Jolie released a statement: â€Å"l wanted to write this to tell other women that the decision to have a mastectomy was not easy. But it is one I am very happy that I made,†talking about her decision to undergo a preventive double mastectomy after being diagnosed with a cancer gene. We will write a custom essay sample on Angelina Jolie Biographical or any similar topic only for you Order Now Angelina Jolie, a movie star, Award winning actress and named highest paid actress by Forbes magazine, three words could describe her: talented, beautiful, rich. It would be very easy to go on and on about her on-camera success, instead this essay will illustrate her real life success and how despite all of the disadvantages mentioned above, Angelina Jolie, manages to be a philanthropist, independent, family woman, therefore a powerful example of the modern woman. Childhood Philanthropist Jolie raised by a hard working single mother did not have an easy childhood, her mother was often absent and as a result she had an early start on depression, aving lived this, Jolie is particularly sensitive when it comes to childhood matters, and in her adulthood she has worked on eradicating extreme rural poverty and lack of education, helping not only kids but also adults all over the world, supporting over 25 causes and creating foundations on her own, not only donating large amounts of money but also her own time. Teenage years resilience At the start of her acting career in her teenage years, Jolie had a hard time with drugs and casual sexual encounters, Adulthood Family woman Coming from a broken family, beautiful movie star Conclusion No matter what your stage is, if you are a teacher and you are working in a small school, a nurse in a hospital, a scientist is a dark lab room. Movie star or not own your stage Angelina Jolie Biographical Essay By Yaridis-Cervantes How to cite Angelina Jolie Biographical, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
An analysis of the dramatic qualities of Act 3 scenes 1 in Romeo and Julietr Essay Example For Students
An analysis of the dramatic qualities of Act 3 scenes 1 in Romeo and Julietr Essay Act 3 scene 1 is very effective because of where it is placed in the play. We have just ended on a happy note in Act 2. Friar Laurence wanted to unite the Montagues and the Capulets. So we have a scene full of love and joy, the wedding between Romeo and Juliet. This is a great contrast as what comes in the next scene is quite the opposite. Everything that has been before this has been closer to one of Shakespeares comedies, rather than his tragedies. There are comic figures in the play such as Mercutio and even one of the main protagonists in the tragedy, Romeo. He fits the comic role because he falls in and out of love very quickly. We see this as when we first meet him at the beginning of the play he is in love with Rosaline, yet as soon as he meets Juliet he falls in love with her. To us this seems quite ridiculous and quite hilarious. In fact most of the events before Act 3 scene 1 have been largely positive, but it is at this point in the play where the happiness, from the previous scene, is shattered and the course of action of the play is now a relentless path to tragedy. We can tell that this was going to be a tragedy because even though the events before this have been positive, the language that is used reflects the fact that this play is a tragedy. It refers to fate and stars many times throughout the play. They play opens with the chorus describing Romeo and Juliet as Star-crossed lovers Meaning that they are ill fated from the moment the meet. Again, before Romeos and his friends reach the party he dreams that, Some consequences yet hanging in the stars Shall bitterly begin this fearful date With this nights revel Romeo here is using the same language before yet hanging in the stars is showing that this night is going to change his life for the worse. We, as the audience, dont realise why at the time but it is setting up the path for tragedy. But it is not until Act 3 scene 1 that we see the tragic actions come in to the play. When the actual scene starts it is a completely different image than the last scene. The scene before was set in a church, a wedding where everything looks happy. Act 3 scene 1 starts off in Verona, and Benvolio tells us that it is a hot day. This paints imagery in the audiences heads, as everyone will be agitated and not cool and calm. He tries to get Mercutio to leave as he can tell that something bad is going to happen. For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. He is the wise one, the peacekeeper. Shakespeare also shows that Benvolio is calmer than Mercutio as Benvolios speech is written in blank verse, showing calmness, whereas Mercutios speech is written in prose antagonising the mood to indicate a chaotic force. Benvolio is trying to keep the peace but Mercutio says to him that he is just as fiery as himself. Mercutio is making jokes and puns, playing on words. Wordplay was very popular in the Elizabethan time so this works well. He continues to makes puns even when Tybalt is creating a challenge for him. Tybalt does this by using polite sarcasm, Gentlemen, good een! A word with one of you There is joking from Mercutios part for a lot of this scene, even when he is dying, although I will discuss this later in my essay. There is aggressive converse between Mercutio and Tybalt; they are ready to fight as when Mercutio says, Make it a word and a blow, Tybalt replies with, You shall find me apt enough to that, sir, and you Will give me occasion This shows that he is ready and looking for a fight. Benvolio still tries to keep the peace but with all this talk between Mercutio and Tybalt makes the fight between Romeo and Tybalt more effective as it is unexpected. When Romeo enters Tybalt immediate stops his fight with Mercutio, as he was to fight Romeo. Tybalt insults Romeo by calling him a villain before Romeo gets to say a word. Romeos reply is very cryptic and it is effective because when he says, The reason I have to love thee doth much excuse the appertaining rage This is effective, as we know why he has to love him, but no one else does. Tybalt continues to insult Romeo by calling him Boy, but Romeo Post 1914 Drama EssayThe Lurhmans version is set on a beach, this is a public place but this is a more contemporary image as there are bars, umbrellas, music which is appealing to the youth culture fun, picking up on the themes of youth and age. Also the very fact that they are on a beach, everyone is having fun and enjoying themselves on a beach and the clothes they are wearing emphasise the heat. This gets across in both versions what Shakespeare tells us, that they will be more agitated because it is hot. This is highlighted more in the Lurhman version because the mood turns from to fun to anger quite quickly. In the Lurhman version the mood is very different. It is quite light at first but Mercutio gets angry very quickly and the intent isnt on a playful fight, these two clearly have the intent on killing each other as they load up there guns. In this version, everything is a lot more violent, including Tybalt. In this version Tybalt is portrayed as an obnoxious character who wants revenge, who seems to hold a grudge, This shall not excuse the injuries That thou hast done me In the Zeffirelli version Tybalt is portrayed as no more violent than Mercutio, he is also just trying to show off. In this film when he kills Mercutio it is seems like an accident, and he regrets it very much. We can see this because there is a close up shot of the sword with blood on and then a close up view on Tybalt and there is remorse on his face. In the Lurhman version on the other hand, Tybalt meant to kill Mercutio, he sees his chance while Romeo intervenes and takes it. He does seem a little regretful after he has done it, but not a lot. Not enough to make him stay and see whether Mercutios is going to live or not. In the Zeffirelli version Romeo runs at Tybalt. He looks warn out but he runs at Tybalt with 2 swords in his hands. He is hurt and his actions take place while he is angry but when he takes a step back and realises what he has done, he says his line, not very loudly but almost to himself, I am fortunes fool In the Lurhman version, there are contemporary images as he drives at Tybalt in a car. He then kills Tybalt with a gun. Leading up to this you can see the anger in his eyes and you do sympathise with Romeo. You also sympathise with him because you see the guilt, and the regret in his face Briony Donnelly When he does shoot Tybalt as the camera zooms into his face. One of the most dramatic moments in this scene is where Romeo realises what he has done and says the line, I am Fortunes Fool This is effective because he shouts it and it echoes to make it more dramatic. What else is effective is again echoing at the end of this scene, where the prince shouts, Romeo is banished! This echoes and it gives us as the audience time to reflect on what has happened to Romeo before it moves on. In conclusion I would say that this is the one of most dramatic Scenes in the whole play, apart from the end scene. You see the true colours of some characters, we see murders and the guilt it brings. We see many themes, obviously the main one being love. The play focuses on romantic love, specifically the intense passion that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, love is a violent, ecstatic, overpowering force that replaces all other values, loyalties, and emotions. In the course of the play, the young lovers are driven to defy their entire social world. Romeo watches his best friend dying as he wouldnt fight because of his love for Juliet. They both defy their families. The powerful nature of love can be seen in the way it is described, or, more accurately, the way descriptions of it so consistently fail to capture its entirety. At times love is described in the terms of religion, when Romeo and Juliet first meet. Romeo and Juliet does not make a specific moral statement about the relationships between love and society, religion, and family; rather, it portrays the chaos and passion of being in love, combining images of love, violence, death, religion, and family in an impressionistic rush leading to the plays tragic conclusion, For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The IT Strategic Plan
Abstract The adoption of an IT strategy represents an important step in the transformation of organizations after its development. The success of an IT strategy is not only dependent on how detailed it is, but also on the measures and leadership styles at the various levels of its implementation.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The IT Strategic Plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The paper discusses the various levels that leadership plays a crucial role in the adoption of a developed IT strategy. At the individual level, the proper leadership style is transformational, with this style being consistent in other levels of the organization. The other levels discussed include organizational, traditional and virtual teams, department, inter-organization, partnership, and global ranks. For each level, the definition of the x, y, and z-axes is provided with a justification for each axis together with a proper le adership style for each of them. Transformational and democratic leadership styles are described as being important at the various levels. Introduction This paper gives a particular way in which organizations may apply the detailed strategies that they develop in their Information Technology department to improve their performance and competitiveness with the use of Wal-Mart as a case example. The basic levels of application discussed include individual, group, organizational, departmental, traditional and virtual teams, inter-organizational, and partnership on the global front. Initiatives to be implemented The application of any Information Technology plan must be global in an organization. At all the relevant levels, an example of a strategic plan is that which the retail company Wal-Mart should adopt. The adoption of a leadership model is important in ensuring that the IT strategies can be followed through the standard means. Different companies adopt different leadership models depending on their specific needs (Concepts of Leadership, 2013). Wal-Mart is described to have adopted the 3D IT leadership model, which will be important in the application of the IT strategy at the different levels discussed below. Individual Level At the individual level, each of the employees should have the IT strategies adopted before they (strategies) become organizational. In the over 10,000 associates that the company has in the combination of IT corporate office and corporate campus (Holmes, 2011), each of these individuals should be utilized to ensure that he or she has the core values of the strategy internalized. One of the important factors at the individual level is communication as shown below.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Source: (Concepts of Leadership, 2013) Any organization should ensure that there is an individual effort to establish good comm unication culture (Heckman, 2012). Each individual should be able to communicate the basic components of the IT strategy to customers as well as other individuals within and outside the IT department. There is also the need for collaboration at this level (Drnevich, McIntyre, 2010). Some of the technological breakthroughs that must be embraced at the individual level in communication include the use of emails, call conferencing, video conferencing, and social sites among others (Makadok, 2011). In the application of the IT strategy at the individual level, an appropriate leadership style should be adopted. On the X-axis, a transformational leadership style should be adopted (Kraaijenbrink, Spender, Groen, 2010). This allows for the effective collaboration between individuals. The Y and Z-axes are also important to consider. An individual should also be driven by service to adopt the IT revolution that the strategy is likely to bring to the organization. Organizational Level Wal-Ma rt has adopted a 3D leadership model in the organization, especially in the IT department. As an organization, certain measures are necessary for the integration of an IT strategy. These measures should be geared towards the attainment of the organizational and strategic goals. At this level, a customer information system is necessary. The organization should aim to adopt the latest changes to ensure that customers get the best service, including the automation of all processes and/or the use of online services. The organization should also put updated infrastructure in place to facilitate the developed IT strategic plan. The personnel that the company employs serve in the various departments. They should be qualified and specialized in the application of the IT strategy. A customer information system such as the one that is already in place at Wal-Mart is another service that organizations should implement to enable customers access the services from any apart of the globe.Advertis ing We will write a custom coursework sample on The IT Strategic Plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the organization’s administrative functions, the right information systems should be in place (Bharadwaj, El Sawy, Pavlou, Venkatraman, 2009). This plan should foster the latest technology, through planning and implementation of the revolutionary and contemporary inventions that are geared towards customer satisfaction, efficiency, and accessibility. The leadership that should be adopted at the organizational level is one that facilitates the adoption of the IT strategy. It should be democratic to allow the impending change. The leadership should also be ready to invest financially in the project to facilitate its adoption. On the X-axis, the organization should adopt collaboration with likeminded individuals and organizations. On other axes, the organization should collaborate with executives in other IT firms both i n and out of the industry. Some of the important measures that should be adopted to oversee the successful implementation of the strategy at the organizational level include a working and efficient management team, employees devoted to the organization, and effective time management (Kranz, 2013). The IT Department This department plays the most important role in the development and application of any strategic IT plan. Companies such as Wal-Mart have well-established IT departments with the capability of independently developing a model for the application of an IT strategy (Vitorino, 2012). The major role that the department will play is in the improvement of the IT infrastructure, including the creation and management of a working website for the organization. The department should also adopt a transformational and democratic leadership style to oversee the adoption of these changes. The leadership should also be focused on strengthening the brand of the company through the utili zation of technological innovation such as the website. Some of the other measures include the use of online managers to manage relations with customers and/or handle all organizational transactions. The website that the organization develops should also be reliable and easy to use for customers, with an attractive look that integrates the company’s goals and values.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The department should also invest in qualified personnel that should be trained on the use of the latest technology and internet services. Leadership at this level should be transformative on the X-axis and facilitative to the overall change to be adopted. The essential infrastructure that the company should maintain and/or invest in includes the hardware and software infrastructure to run the network. The department should also be a leader in the organization in the use of IT services. On the Y dimension, the department should be collaborative with the larger organization and other departments on the Z dimension. The justification for this plan is that the collaboration will provide a framework for developing the necessary implementation policies for the IT strategy. Wal-Mart is one of the organizations that have adopted a 3D leadership model in the IT department. Traditional and Virtual Teams It is imperative for organizations to set up teams to oversee the implementation of the I T strategy. Some of these teams are traditional and virtual. Nevertheless, they should work in collaboration with other teams within the department and organization. The traditional and virtual teams are necessary in the development of the necessary infrastructure such as the wireless and wired networks to be used within the organization and in the department. These teams should have leadership styles that are complementary to the one within the organization as well as other relevant levels. The main role should however be the consolidation of servers for the efficient running of the network. Inter-organizational Level In the current global economy, no organization is independent of the others. In the development of strategies, consideration should be made to the related organizations. One of the most commonly utilized inter-organizational policies in the IT sector is the electronic data interchange (EDI) (Kaplan, Haenlein, 2010), which allows room for the networking of organizatio ns to improve relationships in their IT sectors. Some of the significant impacts that the adoption of the EDI will have include changes in the social and operational fronts (Kaplan, Haenlein, 2010). Application of IT strategies between organizations within the same industry represents an X-axis relationship while the Y-axis relationship is represented by the relationship between organizations in different industries or sectors. The leadership adopted in at this level should also be transformative. Organizations should also be democratic in their interactions. The aim of applying an IT strategy in the inter-organizational level is to reduce the costs of inter-organizational operation. According to Yue, this strategy is effective (2012). In the case of Wal-Mart, the presence of inter-organizational collaboration in the application of IT strategy should be consistent with the 3D model of leadership adopted in the organization. The leadership type that should be adopted should be visio nary and democratic as it is in other levels. Partnerships Leaders in the IT department and/or at the highest level of the organization should embrace partnership with other organizations to oversee the implementation of the IT strategy. The main types of organizations of relevance are the other organizations involved in information technology and those that apply it. One benefit that such collaboration has to an organization is the reduction in operational costs (Harris, 2011). Collaboration on this field will also enable improved competitive advantage where an organization is able to invest in structures to compete in the IT sector. Organizations such as Wal-Mart and leaders in them should adopt certain values to oversee the implementation of the IT strategy. Wal-Mart has such values in its operational strategies that reveal how principles of integrity, justice, and impartiality direct the industry to guarantee that its parties uphold the faith of its investors. This resolution is important in partnership and in the application of the IT strategy. Conclusion: Global Level On the global front, organizations should adopt a leadership model that allows easy adoption of the most recent technological innovation to compete with others. Leaders at the various levels should be involved in the development of a global IT-targeted policy. The global economy is embracing IT. No organization should be left behind in this venture, as its competitiveness will reduce. The kind of leadership that should be adopted in this area is one of collaboration. The 3D model applied in the IT department for Wal-Mart is representative of this claim. Reference List Bharadwaj, S., El Sawy, O., Pavlou, P., Venkatraman, N. (2009). Call for Papers MISQ Special Issue on â€Å"Digital Business Strategy: Toward a Next Generation of Insights. MIS Quarterly, 33(1), 204-208. Concepts of Leadership. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadcon.html Drnevich, P., McIntyre , D. (2010). Information Technology and Strategy: Two Camps, Four Perspectives, One Elusive Goal. International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications, 1(2), 1-18. Harris, M. (2011).Strategic planning for information systems. Journal of information technology, 6(1), 60. Heckman, R. (2012). Strategic information technology planning and the line manager’s role. Information systems management, 20(4), 16-21. Holmes, T. (2011). The diffusion of Wal-Mart and economies of density. Econometrica, 79(1), 253–302. Kaplan, M., Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59–68. Kraaijenbrink, J., Spender, C., Groen, A. (2010). The Resource-Based View: A Review and Assessment of Its Critiques. Journal of Management, 36(1), 349-372. Kranz, G. (2013). Wal-Mart Drafts Leaders for Military-style Training. Retrieved from https://www.workforce.com/2013/06/12/wal-mart-drafts-leade rs-for-military-style-training/ Makadok, R. (2011). The Four Theories of Profit and Their Joint Effects. Journal of Management, 37(5), 1316-1334. Vitorino, A. (2012). Empirical entry games with complementarities: An application to the shopping center industry. Journal of Marketing Research, 49(1), 175–191. Yue, L. (2012). Asymmetric effects of fashions on the formation and dissolution of networks: Board interlocks with Internet companies, 1996–2006. Organization Science, 23(1), 1114–1134. This coursework on The IT Strategic Plan was written and submitted by user Aal1yah to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Toshiba essay
Toshiba essay Toshiba essay Toshiba essayToshiba is pursuing the innovation strategy oriented on the introduction of innovations in the high tech industry, focusing on electronics as its main priority. At the same time, the company focuses on innovations that help the company to take the lead in the industry and outpace its rivals in the field of high technologies. The focus on high tech industry and innovations helped the company to reach a considerable success in the market and its business development.Customers play an important part in the product development of Toshiba. The company traditionally involved customers in the development of new products and improvement of existing ones. For example, the company used interviews and questionnaires to receive the feedback from customers. On analyzing the feedback, the company introduced changes as well as innovations that helped the company to enhance its position in the market, as was the case of the introduction of shock-resistant mobile PCs, 0.85 inch hard driv e used in miniature computers and GPS units, and others. More recently, Toshiba has introduced the mobile phone application to conduct questionnaires and obtain the feedback from customers for improving its products and introducing new ones on the ground of the analysis of the customer feedback. In such a way, the company uses the feedback from customers to improve its products and introduce innovations.Toshiba can improve its innovation strategy by developing research and development laboratories involving customers, where customers could suggest products, which they would like to have, while Toshiba professionals could evaluate, analyze and focus on those suggestions which open good prospects for the development of innovative products or can improve existing ones. Unlike conventional customer feedback, the involvement of customers in development laboratories will help the company to get new ideas directly from customers, who can suggest their own innovative products, which they ar e dreaming of but cannot find in the market so far. In such a way, the company will get information not only about its current products and ways of its improvement or creation new ones, but also the company will obtain information on what customers expect from the company in the future and what products are particularly attractive for customers.The main driver for innovations in Toshiba was the strife of the company to keep progressing and help the world to progress too. At the same time, the company used to work in the time of scarce resources, when Toshiba had faced the shortage of resources supply during World War II. The lack of resources stimulated innovations introduced by the company, while the further success of the company brought by innovations encouraged the company to keep introducing innovations that became the major driver of the successful business development of Toshiba. As a result, Toshiba used innovations to keep progressing and implement its vision and mission.Th e role of the brand was particularly significant in the overall success of the company. In the course of its history, Toshiba has shaped the image of a reputable company oriented on innovations. This is why today Toshiba is a renowned brand that is popular worldwide. Customers from all over the world recognize Toshiba brand that helps the company to expand its business and enhance its position in both domestic and international markets.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Palm Treo for Management Information Systems Essay
Palm Treo for Management Information Systems - Essay Example Most of the cases, the equipment comes with all the information that is needed in the form of user manual and troubleshooting information. In case, this information is needed, it is obtained on the web. If the problem is still not resolved, the call center of the company can be reached using a toll free number in US and in most other countries. This vouches for their support. Specifications: Palm Treo 755p is a smart phone that combines the phone with mobile computing. It runs on Palm OS; a smart phone with wireless email, a built in web browser and rich multi media capabilities. It comes with an inbuilt memory of 3.6MB of Flash RAM preloaded with MS Word MS Excel and MS PowerPoint apart from other standard emailing software too. On the phone side, it has a large color touch screen, Qwerty key board with a built in speaker phone, conference calling, speed dialing, call history, caller id and a built in organizer. It also supports on the move Google Maps, Push technology on the Microsoft Outlook to push your emails out. Broad band network employing EvDO technology, an in-built camera for video or for stills, streaming of both radio and TV over the internet and using the system as an high speed modem. All this makes the Palm Treo a new high end smart phone. Pros and Cons: The smart phone brings in a new mobile computing platform to the company enabling every one of the user to be in continuous touch with others. This would ensure that jobs get done faster. This also is a negative feature since there is no rest for the employee unless he or she switches on the phone. Technically, the phone directly communicates with Windows environment PCs but since the server of the company is on Unix and Linux based systems, there needs to be conversion, which the company has to make use of. Otherwise, data availability to the marketing and support people will enable the company to provide swift support as well as the possibility to remind the customer across the table on pending payments or order dues even on the move. Users comment that the phone is easier to use and the screen is light on the eye. The sound is good says another user. (available at: http://www.mobiletechreview.com/Treo-700w.htm). Also the technology that has been made use, make it a very reliable phone and a smart phone / PDA at that. The phone is scores a strong 10 out of 10 technically; 8 out 10 for user friendliness and therefore, an overall 9 out of 10 as a smart
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Tort Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Tort Coursework - Essay Example It was argued by Gray that he had been beset by these ills, as a consequence of the post traumatic stress disorder engendered by the negligence of the defendants2. Gray’s claim was that in the absence of the defendants’ tort, he would not have been deprived of his earnings. Therefore, he contended that he had been put to a loss. Moreover, Gray claimed damages for the loss of earnings, prior to and subsequent to his killing of the pedestrian3. The legal doctrine of ex turpi causa oritur actio implies that an illegal or immoral act cannot constitute the basis for a cause of action4. The courts are required to adopt a non rigid stance, whilst effecting the doctrine of ex turpi causa oritur action. As such, it is essential for the court to apply the test of public conscience. Hence, it should arrive at a judicious balance between the negative outcomes of granting relief against those arising from the refusal to grant relief5. In Gray v Thames Trains Ltd, Lord Hoffmann stated that the maxim ex turpi causa was more of a policy than a principle. Moreover, such policy depends on a combination of several factors; which could vary, in accordance with the situation obtaining, in a specific instance6. Therefore, the court does not encourage a plaintiff to recover some benefit out of his own illegal act. Gray’s capacity to earn had been rescinded, due to the imposition of the hospital orders. The House of Lords, opined that the award of damages to the claimant, in respect of the loss of earnings, for the period, during which, the latter had been subjected to the orders of the civil court; would be at variance with the policy, on which these orders had been made7. In this case the House of Lords analysed the issues relating to causation and public policy, with regard to psychiatric illness. Lord Phillips had opined that
Sunday, January 26, 2020
European Model Of Corporate Governance
European Model Of Corporate Governance Corporate governance comes into play in cases where the management of the organization has to be carried out by a manager or a group of managers who are not the owners of the organization. In essence, corporate governance is implemented by a business financers in order to monitor and regulate the organizations utilization of their investments (Becht, Chapelle Renneboog, 2000). In this case, the individuals hired to manage the business are paid employees and are responsible for the effective execution of the organizations processes. As a result of this arrangement, it is only natural for a separation to exist between the ownership of the organization and the management of the organization (Brickley, Coles Jarrell, 1997). While this may appear to be a simple concept, modern day business models have allowed corporate governance models to develop rapidly over the last few years and this has led to the development of differing corporate governance models. The implementation of these cor porate governance models generally varies in accordance with the region in which the organization is functioning and the nature of business of the organization. This paper will attempt to compare and contrast the Anglo-American model and the European Model of Corporate Governance. The paper will attempt to perform this comparison in order to ascertain which of the two models more accurately reflect emerging corporate trends. Furthermore, the discussion will make international comparisons based on a variety of different economies. Before moving on with the discussion, it is essential to come to terms with the role of the board of directors of the organization. The board of directors play a pivotal role in corporate governance models. This is because of the fact that they serve as the bridge between the stakeholders of the organization and the management team responsible for the organizations processes (Brickley, Coles Jarrell, 1997). The sensitivity of the role of the board of directors can be judged through the fact that an extensive degree of research has been performed on the functions and composition of the board of directors. Regardless of the corporate culture in the organization, the board of directors remains present as a critical connection between the organizations human capital and the organizations stakeholders. Another reason because of which the board of directors are given extensive relevance is the fact that almost all corporate governance models look towards the board of directors when it com es to the implementation of the corporate governance models (Becht, Chapelle Renneboog, 2000). The characteristics of the board of directors tend to vary with regard to the size of the organization, the region/regions in which the organization is functioning, the existence of the company as a listed or unlisted company and the industry/industries in which the organization is operating. A practical example of the implementation of the European model of corporate governance and the Anglo-American model of corporate governance can be observed in the case of the US and Europe respectively (Brickley, Coles Jarrell, 1997). In Europe, a small number of investors are capable of making pivotal investment decisions and these decisions are generally aligned with the interests of the selected investors responsible for the decisions. In comparison, the system generally followed and proffered in the US calls for the inclusion of multiple opinions and perspectives (Becht, Chapelle Renneboog, 2000). The corporate strategy that is developed and eventually implemented is not finalized until all the investors are and shareholders are in unanimous agreement. Managements role In the case of the Anglo-American countries, it is often considered that the Anglo-American system of corporate governance gives unquestioning support to the management (Becht, Chapelle Renneboog, 2000). This creates a scenario in which the management appears to have a role that is limited to the short run and does not encompass the long run. It can therefore be surmised that the management, in the case of the Anglo-American system of corporate governance, frequently communicates with the stakeholders. As a result, managers in the Anglo-American system of corporate governance try to implement strategies that will show outcomes within the span of a year or two (Brickley, Coles Jarrell, 1997). In comparison, when the management implements the European model of corporate governance, decisions are taken with outcomes expected around five years. In such cases, the shareholders generally hold more decision making authority than that which is given to the managers. Furthermore, controllin g and holding structures are significantly common in organizations making use of the European model of corporate governance. In such cases, the European model of corporate governance is also often referred to as the concentrated shareholder model because of the extensive authority that it gives to the shareholders. This concentration of ownership can often lead to the development of complications in cases where financial resources have to play their part (Becht, Chapelle Renneboog, 2000). The number of equity suppliers is generally deficient in the European model of corporate governance because of the concentration of ownership. Another characteristic of the European model of corporate governance that merits highlighting at this point is that which pertains to the role of the capital market. The capital market holds importance for corporate governance on account of the fact that the developments in the capital market have a direct influence on the corporate controls of the organization (Brickley, Coles Jarrell, 1997). While the Anglo-American model of corporate governance relies heavily on the capital market and seeks to takeover threats in the capital market, the European model of corporate governance gives primary relevance to the stakeholders. Internal Differences Labour motivation is a critically important factor when it comes to the organizations performance. Since labour in the European model of corporate governance is always a part of the decision making process, it is generally more motivated than the labour force in the Anglo-American model of corporate governance. Since the labour is relatively highly motivated, they choose to contribute to the organizations development aggressively (Brickley, Coles Jarrell, 1997). This active participation on the labours part tends to place a limitation on the degree to which the supervisory board can exercise authority (Hanson Song, 2000). Influences of the labours active participation can generally be seen in the development of the organizations human resource management policies. The realist theory of codetermination understands co-determination as labour representation. Labour as the most important stakeholder group besides the shareholders should be represented and have a right to participate in the decision making on the level of the second board, i.e. the advisory board in the two-tier-board system (Hanson Song, 2000). Co-determination as representation does not aim at consent about all matters of corporate governance. It is rather geared towards the right to participate and to be included and heard in corporate governance for the sake of workers recognition as well as for the sake of other stakeholders of the firm because workers participation in decision-making enhances the quality of board decisions. If the shareholders prevent the shirking of the employees of the firm according to the theory of the firm introduced by Alchian and Demsetz (1996), codetermination by labour results analogously in the prevention of shirking by shareholders and managers th at causes damage to labour as shirking by employees causes damage to the shareholders. If the shareholders and/or managers do not perform optimally labour will prevent them from shirking, from not making their contractual contributions to the firm. Industrial relations are traditionally better in continental Europe than in the USA which leads to higher work place satisfaction and higher identification with the firm (Becht, Chapelle Renneboog, 2000). These, in turn, cause higher productivity rates. In the last two decades since 1988, the process of the globalization of capital markets seemed to support the shareholder principle, not the participation principle. In the context of globalization As globalization continues to influence the development of the global economy, corporate governance also becomes subjected to standardization based on the successful implementation of strategies by management teams around the world (Hanson Song, 2000). The case of General Motors and Ford presents an excellent example in this regard. General Motors and Ford have produced in Germany in huge production sites for over seventy years and did not find it unprofitable to adjust to codetermination legislation which is about 35 years old in 2008. In the European institutional setting, there is a greater complexity on the second board level that causes certain additional costs. There is, however, also the gain of additional information about the firm and of greater labour alignment with the aims of the firm as a result of labour representation in corporate governance on the level of the second board level. The participation or co-determination principle can increase corporate performance if it is understood as a principle of representation and not as a consensus principle and if it is instituted together with the control principle of hostile takeovers (Hanson Song, 2000). Codetermination as representation of the employees on the board increases the learning capacity of the organization and also fulfils a pacification function in conflict situations within the enterprise as long as the majority vote of the shareholders or owners is safeguarded. The synthesis between the Anglo-American principle of the capital market as the market for corporate control and the German principle of co-determination as employee representation in corporate governance on the second board level is possible, even under conditions of globalization (Becht, Chapelle Renneboog, 2000). The point to which the two systems of corporate governance, the USA and the Continental European, converge to is the strengthening of capital market control of management in Europe and the strengthening of labour repr esentation in corporate governance in the USA. The purpose of the firm Another difference between the Anglo-American and the Continental European theories of corporate governance concerns the idea of the purpose of the firm (Lipton Lorsch, 1992). The purpose of an institutional part or subsystem of a society is the major resource from which ethical analysis and decision-making draws from since the purpose of action is the most important and defining feature of an action. The purpose of any human action is the major criterion for the ethical assessment of an action or institution (Becht, Chapelle Renneboog, 2000). The reason is that the purpose or aim of an action or institution is the central cause of an action or institution and, therefore, the central criterion for its success and value in economic, cultural and ethical respect. Ethics gives the conditions under which value creation must take place as constraining and as enabling conditions (Hanson Song, 2000). Value creation can take place under the neglect of the personal right of the person or of human dignity if the market conditions cause such groups of individuals to have a weak competitive position. If there is an over-supply of labour its competitive position is weak. The law might have to protect human dignity against exploitation and abuse when competition in the market does not preserve the human rights of the market participants (Becht, Chapelle Renneboog, 2000). Situations of prisoners dilemma in which it is advantageous for the individual to behave opportunistically require the affirmation of ethical and legal rules independent of the utility calculus of the acting individual. Loyalty to contracts e.g. is a principle that cannot be derived from individual utility maximization for each act but must be asserted by the individual on its own meri t for ethical reasons (Thompson Wright, 1995). It can only be justified by rule utilitarianism for the general rule and not by act utilitarianism for each single act. This implies that one has the duty to be loyal to a contract even if a more advantageous contract is available instead. The non-conditional hyper-norm of the economy must be distinguished from the second order positive norms of the institutional setting of business. Some of these positive norms are sometimes suggested to be ethical or normal rules of the first order although they are in fact norms or virtues of economic organization that imply some degree of freedom of specification although their organization touches on ethical virtues, or norms of the second order. The European model of the firm emphasizes that the firm is a multi-purpose institution in which shareholder value plays the central but not the only role (Becht RÃ ¶ell, 1999). The Anglo-American model of the firm emphasizes shareholder value as the onl y or last purpose of the firm to which the other (stakeholder) purposes are instrumental or, at least, functional. At this point, the development will go in the direction of the European model since it is more inclusive and interprets the stakeholders to be of more then instrumental value to the firm. The recent global recession has led to the development of a scenario in which it has become imperative for organizations to exercise corporate governance. It therefore comes as no surprise that the last few years have seen a significant increase in the volume of literature on corporate governance. Furthermore, the increasing trends in globalization and the rapid developments in international businesses have placed organizations in a position where it has become crucial for them to revisit their corporate governance methodologies (Becht RÃ ¶ell, 1999). These recent changes in corporate governance, and the processes of globalization that have induced them, are obviously of historic proportion, radically altering as they have economic, political and social structures. The stakes in these reforms are high and they may be literally life and death for the most vulnerable organizations. Conclusion In the literature of corporate governance, there has been an on-going debate about whether financial or banking models are more effective. As noted above, it is currently being argued that the key to effectiveness does not depend upon whether a country adopts one or the other model, but whether it has a well-functioning legal system which allows for the timely enforcement of contracts. If this position is correct, then the ability of developing countries to enforce a model of corporate governance may be ultimately tied to larger questions of democratic political reform a prospect which many critics feel is being undermined by the very forces of globalization promoting an Anglo American model of governance. An important question that the experience of developing countries raises but one which it was not possible to systematically investigate in this issue is whether individual countries acting alone will be able to effectively enforce an Anglo-American model of governance in a globa l economy. The above discussion attempted to present an in depth insight into the differences between the Anglo-American model of corporate governance and the European model of corporate governance. The discussion made it clear that the fundamental distinction between the two models lies in the fact that they are present in differing business contexts (Warner, Watts Wruck, 1988). These contexts are dictated by the shareholder identity, shareholder concentration, stock liquidity and interlocking ownership. It can be observed here that there is a difference between the two approaches in how they address the two issues of ownership and control. The strengthening of labour representation in the American firm can improve the firms ability to discover chances and weaknesses within the organization and to use this knowledge for increased performance. The strengthening of the market for corporate control through a more active capital market in Europe will improve the performance of management. Furthermore, globalization will move corporate governance in the direction of such a synthesis. It is likely that this model will radiate to the global market. The question of whether economies will converge towards a common corporate Anglo-American governance system, or sustain the present diversity of institutions is one of the key issues facing countries in Europe, the Asia Pacific and throughout the rest of the world (Malette Hogler, 1995). Lower economic growth and higher unemployment in Europe compared to the Anglo-American countries since the mid-1990s, undermined some of the confidence in Europes social model (though by 2005 Germany had returned to its former position as the worlds largest exporter). Despite the pressures towards adopting Anglo-Saxon modes of corporate governance, the divergences in both the policy and practice of corporate governance in Europe have thus far resisted any move towards European standards. However with greater market integration and the developing influence of Anglo-American institutional investors, it is possible the market will play a greater role. Yet debates on company law harmonization in the Eur opean Union have been held up by countries not wishing to see elements of their own systems of corporate governance disappear in the process. One explanation for this impasse is the institutional complementarily thesis which justifies the continuing diversity of systems, rejecting the one-best-way strategy adopted by the convergence thesis. Instead a plurality of models is assumed, each corresponding to local circumstances, supported by a cluster of social norms and regulation, enabling balanced economic development. It can also be argued that the Anglo-American models can serve as an effective method for breaking unhealthy state business relationships and imposing more discipline on domestic corporations (Yermack, 1996). The diversity of corporate models is valuable and is rooted in societal characteristics that together shape the competitiveness of the different models. Though shareholder value may be gaining ground due to the influence of Anglo-Saxon institutional investors, a stakeholder approach is closer to the reality of European social democracies, and the outcome of the confrontation between the two competing philosophies is highly uncertain. It is unlikely that imported Anglo-Saxon capital market related features of corporate governance will work well with Continental labor-related aspects of corporate governance as represented in supervisory boards. It is likely any such European compromise would be more unstable than existing systems. The attractiveness of the Anglo-American finance and governance institutions permeated with inequality and subject to recurrent severe market cycles and financial crisis is open to question as a model for universal applicability. Indeed the damaging consequen ces of the 2008 financial crisis will impact severely upon the world economy, and could well dislodge the faith that the market based governance system is the only rational and efficient one for the future. It is more likely that solutions will be found to pressing problems of equity, sustainability and innovation in a diversity of finance and governance systems, responsive to deeper and wider concerns than the self-interest of the executives who control corporations, financial institutions and hedge funds. The paper served to clarify that while the Anglo-American model of corporate governance seeks to implement external discipline methodologies. This entails the concentration of the organizations resources and attention towards elements such as proxy fights in the competitive landscape, handling liability management claims and the sustenance of management reputation. The Anglo-American model of corporate governance is somewhat aggressive and appears to be a model that continuously demands the organization to function as a challenger in the competitive landscape. In comparison, the European model of corporate governance seeks to make use of extensive alignment between the organizations stakeholders. The external methodologies brought into use by the European model of corporate governance tend to increase coordination and communication across the organization in an attempt to streamline the organizations functions in accordance with the organizations objectives. In addition, the European model of corporate governance also seeks to ensure that the organizations objectives are understood and that the management, stakeholders and board of directors are in mutual agreement on the objectives of the organization. The comparison of the two corporate governance models has served to reveal that the Anglo-American model of corporate governance is an aggressive corporate governance model and in order to exercise the Anglo-American model of corporate governance the organization needs to have a strong foundation (Wolfenzon, 1998). This is because of the fact that the Anglo-American model of corporate governance often requires the managers to make decisions that are in favour of their own perspectives and require over-investment. In this case, the managers do not seek the approval of external stakeholders and proceed with the implementation of their decisions. In this regard, the European model of corporate governance comes forth as the preferred corporate governance model. This is because of the fact that the European model of corporate governance gives the organization the margin of deciding on an orientation that is best suited for the competitive landscape in which the organization is functioning (Wolfenzon, 1998). While the Anglo American model of corporate governance demands that the organization plays aggressively continuously, the European model of corporate governance gives the organization the margin it needs to adapt to changing needs. As a result, the organization can choose to function passively and steadily when it chooses; and functions aggressively when it chooses. In essence, the increased communication and coordination between the strategic, operational and tactical elements of the organization allows the organization to ensure that it does not get exposed to any high-risk scenarios. The recommendation of the European model of corporate governance is based on the pretext that recent global economic trends have proved that it is feasible for organizations to adopt an organization that minimizes their exposure to risk. Managerial reputation and status cannot be given importance over the organizations sustained growth because most organizations that have been successful in the last few decades have chosen to follow their expansion strategies with consistency; regardless of the speed at which they grew. While some organizations chose to grow rapidly by intentionally engaging in high-risk investments, others chose to implement the European model of corporate governance by reducing their risk exposure. Organizations such as these proceeded by studying internal and external scenarios closely before finalizing and implementing a strategy. It is because of this reason that such organizations were able to minimize the degree to which they were impacted by the recent global recession. It can be observed that the European model of corporate governance requires the management to engage in a level of coordination that the Anglo-American model of corporate governance does not call for. As a result, the European model of corporate governance places the management in a position where every decision that materializes into action is of a nature such that is supports the organization and is not influenced by a desire to drive up managerial reputation and status. Another key reason because of which the European model of corporate governance is recommended over the Anglo-American model of corporate governance is because the European model of corporate governance satisfies the need for the generation of shareholder profitability. The Anglo-American model of corporate governance does not give primary relevance to shareholder profitability because the authority to make investment decisions is placed and limited in the hands of a few individuals. In comparison to this, the European model of corporate governance places the organization in a position where the generation of shareholder profitability enables the organization to attract more investors. In this regard, it would be just to bring the paper to a concluding note with the statement that the European model of corporate governance accurately reflects emerging corporate trends. The examples and elaborations presented in the above discussion make it clear that the European model of corporate go vernance responds far more adequately to modern day business needs than the Anglo-American model of corporate governance.
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