Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Head on Collison Essay
Head on Collison Essay Head on Collison Essay Head-on Collision In football, proper tackling technique is one of the most valuable traits in a defensive player. When executing a proper technique, a player will be able to take down a player of any size. Knowing the steps of how to tackle safely and properly will help you become a better player overall. Becoming a better tackler will encourage the safety of everyone playing the game. Team sports, such as football, can become the building blocks for younger players. First, you will need the proper equipment such as helmets, shoulder pads, cleats, mouth guards, and plenty of water. You will always want to practice your technique on a grass or turf field. Hydration is crucial when playing in warm weather; I recommend always having professional trainers present during lessons. By looking over yourself and others to assure all equipment fits correctly and is not loose or too tight will help reduce safety issues. Now you’re ready to learn. First, you always need to keep your eye on the ball and keep your head up. The angle of pursuit is crucial when determining how wide of an angle you will take. The angle may be determined by how far the ball carrier is to you. When the player is faster than you, take a wider angle so you can stay in between the player and your goal line. You never want to over pursue them with the wrong angle. While approaching the carrier, do not take your eyes off the ball. Before making contact try to lower your shoulder and hips more than the ball carriers. The safest way is to lean your shoulder inward while keeping your back straight and head erect. You will never make lead contact with your head; you could become seriously injured. You may also injure other players and create penalties. Making contact and when the opposing player is within your grasp is the best moment. With a little good technique, you don’t even have to make a hard contact to impress others. If the player is going to your right, when you make contact your head should be on the left of the player. The same goes for if he is running to the left. That will help you stop the player short an extra yard or more. This can change a game on fourth downs. This will also allow an easier grasp of the player better, making it harder to break away from the tackle. You do not want to stop moving your feet until a whistle has been blown. If you can reach a quarterback in
Friday, November 22, 2019
Best Foot Forward
Best Foot Forward Best Foot Forward Best Foot Forward By Simon Kewin Someone who puts their best foot forward must, logically, have three or more feet. Although this is a very common phrase (the title of a 1943 Lucille Ball film, for example) it is, at least for humans, grammatically incorrect. Best is the superlative form of the adjective good and superlatives are used to refer to one item from a group of three or more. The comparative form of the adjective better in the case of good should be used to refer to one item from two. So, the phrase should be better foot forward if talking about a biped. Only a creature with three or more feet a centipede for example could actually put its best foot forward. The general point applies to all comparative and superlative adjectives. You cant be the fastest runner in a race of two, for example, only the faster. Here are some examples of this usage around the web: There are hopeful signs. On Wednesday he conceded he couldnt get the economy going again simply by blaming the Democrats, up to now his favorite response to the recession. And he said yesterday that he would run on my whole record, suggesting that he may put his best foot forward instead of merely stepping on his opponents. NY Times The Bears arrived in St. Louis without their best pass rusher - Pernell McPhee stayed home with a knee injury - and yet they left with a convincing TKO of a potent Rams offense. LA Times Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesThe Writing ProcessThrew and Through
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Writing assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Writing assignment - Research Paper Example Due to the diverse nature of the country’s power, the president is not able to simply command in order to achieve his goals. Different levels of governments have different motivations and sources of power. Due to this, the president needs to be able to convince others that his goals are what are in their best interest. In politics, it is always common to note that even though the president desires an action to be committed does not mean that it will be done. He has to be able to coheres, negotiate and persuade people to act. The second important ingredient is professional reputation within the country and abroad. Presidential reputation is important as it determines how policy makers and other members in Washington view him. This reputation can be noticed by how the infrastructure of the government relies on him to carry out his duties. If a president has a good reputation, it is easy to smooth out negotiations to implement important policies. The final important ingredient is public prestige. Prestige generally denotes how the president is viewed by the public. Although the public is not directly involved in policy making, it is their view of the president that determines how various policies move throughout various levels of the government. The public’s confidence in the president affects how he is viewed by organizations and how these organizations accept his policies. Apart from these main ingredients, Neustadt also notes that a president should be able to think progressively. This will make sure that he decision he makes at a particular point in time will help him I the future. Applying these ingredients to President Obama, it can be noted that he is indeed a powerful president. The president has been able to pass several important policies and legistlation despite constant opposition from congressional Democrats and Republicans. He has been able to persuade these policies
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business Law - resit Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Business Law - resit - Coursework Example However, Sally is concerned about the fact that Anita remains unwell very frequently which makes her scope of contribution for the overall business questionable. Sally is also concerned about the fact that owing to the health complications of Anita, a situation might arise, where the entire business will be Sally’s responsibility where she would want to take over to the entire business by paying off Anita. Partnership law of United Kingdom Partnership in business is commonly known as the relationship between two people or a group of people who view to work together under one name with the intention to earning maximum profit. According to the s. 25 & s. 26 Vict.Ch.89 of the Partnership Act 1890 of UK, people involved in a partnership are deemed as jointly accountable for the failure as well as the success of the business as both of them own the common property. Furthermore, the law also suggests that, at the least two people or group would be required to form a partnership agre ement1. a) As depicted in the given case referral, both Sally and Anita are eager to work together as a combined unit. The underlying motive of Sally is to obtain competitive advantages in the local market. However, the motive of Anita was to continue obtaining profits, by mitigating her limitation of poor health. Here, neither of the parties has invested any significance towards investments made to the business. In this regard, section 24 of the UK Partnership Act 1890 depicts that when two individuals or companies are engaged in any partnership, they invest equal amount to the overall business whereby the profits or losses resulting from their operations will also be shared equally. Since both Sally and Anita are assumed to invest equally in the business, they are also liable to share the outcomes of the business equally. Furthermore, section 24 of the Partnership Act 1890 also depicts that owing to similar contributions in the form of capital to the business, either companies or individuals involved in the partnership will equally take part in the management of the business, including all the ordinary matters linked with the company operations. Contextually, both Sally and Anita will need to share the responsibilities of the business equally owing to the section 24 of the Partnership Act 1890. In precise, it can be stated that remuneration and work responsibility of both the parties will be equal in accordance to their inputs in the combines operation of both the businesses2. Furthermore, Sally is also concerned about the frequent health complications of Anita. Owing to this aspect, it is evident that Sally will need to provide greater inputs to the business as compared to Anita, owing to Anita’s health problems and consequently, Anita’s share shall logically remain limited or lower than that obtainable by Sally. In such situations, where the partners involved in the business are recognised to fail in actively contributing towards the organiza tional success and are thereby termed as ‘sleeping partners’. According to the Limited Partnerships Act 1907 of the UK, sleeping partners will be only being liable to get profits for the amounts they have invested in the business. In this regard, Anita will be eligible to realise a marginal amount from the profit of the business, whereas Sally, owing to her greater contribution towards the management of the business, will be liable to obtain a larger section of the profit of the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Science Department Essay Example for Free
Science Department Essay Every student has unique study techniques and strategies that fit him or her. Studying at night might be suitable for one student but not for all. Theories are major components in education. Many years have pass and I’m still open for another approach in learning for the betterment of my education. Spoon feeding might be good in some areas or field but not in some. During theoretical approaches I learned a lot but my knowledge was more enhanced when they were put into application. During laboratory activities a particular topic is more expounded and it even inspires me to pursue my education due to the fact that it injected me not only the importance of it but also the fun in doing it. Another thing is the laboratory report. New ideas were learned to ensure that the report is accurate and it also helped me think critically. The subject helped me discover the skills that I have to develop. One of those is the skill in conducting a study. I need to know more about the topic first and even search for the previous work which is related to it. I know everything should be developed and that’s one of the skills that I want to be expounded. Evolution explains the history and diversity of life. The evidences are used to formulate such theory: fossil records and comparative anatomy, embryology and biochemistry. These are used by the researchers to trace the human origin or the origin of life. It is supported by the vestigial structures and biogeography. The theory was developed by Charles Darwin. In his theory he said that man came from apes. Many factors causes particular specie to evolve, one is the environment. Due to it, specie will adopt and thus genetic build up change in a span of time. What interests me with this area of biology is the question: does man came from apes? Although there are many evidences but might be a missing link. Most likely, this can be answered if I learn the theory had its evidences. Metabolic processes have a wide area or field of study. Metabolism is defined as a chemical reaction by which molecules are broken down to produce energy. This energy also uses to build up complex molecules. A simple example of this process is the taking in and digestion of foods to nutrients. There are two types of this process; catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism is a process used to release energy and anabolism is a process used to build up tissues by the use of energy. These processes are very essential to life. Through this are of biology I could learn some knowledge to develop a study that could help attain a perfect metabolism. I want to learn more about how cells and nutrients react and how the chemical reactions occur and help these processes. Genetics is an interesting field of biology. Molecular genetics is a study of the structure and function of genes in a molecular level. This field is the one responsible for mutation and the regeneration of some specie. This study uses the molecular information to determine the patterns of descent or origin. A plant is composed of highly structured components that it can even be compare to human beings. It has also cells that made it a living structure. When it comes to plant, I’m really amazed how a seed can survive a long period of time without water or anything for his survival and even some are dried but when planted, there he goes; a new creation appears that gives beauty and life. This are is so interesting. Even plants finds a way to get light from the sun that’s why there are many trunks are bended due to this characteristic. Homeostasis often described as the resistance of a body to change. Our body has a mechanism that can control the internal equilibrium of the body. When the temperature of our body rises, our body releases a liquid that will serve as a radiator in the form of sweat. This is used to attain the body normal temperature which does not exceed thirty seven degree Celsius. When our anti-bodies can no longer fight the bacteria, our body temperature rises up. Everything in homeostasis is involuntary. We cannot control it, only the environment, also, when our body is in cold, our body shivers. In this manner the muscles in our body will generate friction due to the collision of molecules and will release energy in the form of heat. What I like most in this area is the ability of our body to do as such. I want to learn more about this topic for me to be aware what really will happen to my body in a particular environment or I could even predict how my body will react. Population dynamics is the study marginal and long term changes in quantity or number of a specie. This can be age composition of an individual, weights or several populations. This is commonly used in animal management. This study can determine how long a particular animal be harvest. This can also determine how long and how many will be harvested in a particular time. This also includes the mortality rate and the birth rate of particular specie. This is very useful in animal raising. I want to learn how to compute or determine how fast and how much particular specie will survive in a given environment. This can be useful in conducting studies about biosphere or the artificial environment. Everything in this subject is very essential and interesting that’s why I choose to take this class. I believe that everything I need to learn, the basic or even the sophisticated one, will be learned in this class. Another reason also is because I have tried previous classes and found its worth, I take this. The strategies and evaluations are good. The laboratory activities, reports, and the like makes me feel the significance of this class. To further deepen my knowledge I need to learn through this. Grades or marks do not really matter. They are only the basis and ensure that I know something. What’s important is the knowledge that I can acquire in taking this class but of course it will be good if I’ll get a high marks. This class will only be called a success to me when everything written on the syllabus will be inculcated in my mind and be used in application. Everything is uncertain, of course. I do not know what exactly will happened but I know it will be for my good. What I need to do is to study hard and listen to every discussions. If ever I missed something or I want something that could add my knowledge I will not hesitate to ask. It will be better if I’ll be a fool for a singlke time than be a fool for the rest of my life. What I’m trying to say is that the shame will not matter even if I’ll be the last person to know the information I’ll still ask, remember knowledge is power. I guess I have nothing to suggest because I thing everything goes well and good as what I’ve known. I guess the research work will we enhanced to further improve and broaden the knowledge of the students. As what I’ve stated, research really helped the students to be more resourceful and to think critically. Work cited: Fletcher’s Meadow Science Department (2007). Retrieved January 28,2007 from http//:fmssscience. com Molecular Genetics (2007). Wikipedia Foundation, Retrieved January 28, 2007 from http//:en. wikipedia. org/wiki/molecular_genetics
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Shakespeares Development Of Power In Macbeth :: essays research papers
Macbeth is a very power greedy person. It is not necessarily his own doing that he is such a ruthless person. It all started (Macbeth being power greedy) with the Three Witches predictions: "All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis!/ All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of/ Cawdor!/ All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter." (1.3.50-54)As soon as Macbeth learned of his future, he began to scheme on just exactly how he would fulfill these prophecies. That is when he decided that he would have to murder Duncan to fulfill the last prophecy. But that is when he had a change or heart. The only problem with Macbeth deciding not to murder Duncan, is that all of a sudden Lady Macbeth became the power greedy one. This is when Lady Macbeth's scheming began. Although Macbeth had changed his mind and basically refused to murder Duncan, Lady Macbeth was able to eventually convince him to carry through with the plan. Even though Macbeth was the one who executed the plan, Lady Macbeth was the mastermind behind the scheme. Her greed for power was the one major factor that possessed her to convince Macbeth of the plan and carry through with it. Macbeth murdered Duncan at Iverness, and became hysterical after doing so. As a result of Malcolm and Donalbain's suspicions resulting in their departure to England and Ireland Macbeth became king: this was the ultimate power that he and Lady Macbeth had as their goal (well, actually it was more of Lady Macbeth's goal), and now he eventually had received it. Nothing was going to take away this ultimate power from Macbeth, and he would do anything to keep it. Macbeth's ruthlessness results in him ordering three murderers to murder his best friend, Banquo. The power of being king has taken over Macbeth's life, and he is a victim of his own greed for power. He is a tyrant. Not only does Macbeth murder Banquo (not directly, of course), he also murders (actually he has people murder) Macbuffs family. Macbeth does not murder Macduff, but he does murder his wife, children, and servants.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Heinrich Isaac; Research Paper
Heinrich Isaac is noted as a central figure in late 15th and early 16th century musical development. He was one of three leading composers of the Franco Flemish or Netherlandish School with Jakob Obrecht and Josquin Des Prez. Although Josquin Des Prez was undoubtedly the major figure of the middle renaissance and is most often mentioned before Heinrich Isaac, Isaac is one of several that also deserve recognition. Heinrich was born around ten years after Josquin in 1450-1455. Historians are somewhat certain he was born in Flemish Brabant, a province of Flanders#.Very little is recorded of Heinrich’s early life. It is believed that he was educated in the same area, the Low Countries, due to its excellent standards in musical education. Isaac is also noted to have been a pupil of the Florentine organist Antonio Squarcialupi. It is supposed that Heinrich had begun composing music by 1470. All of this is very hard to establish; the first documented reference to Heinrich Isaac is da ted September 15, 1484, thirty or so years after his estimated birth.This document comes from Innsbruck, southwest Austria and refers to Heinrich as a hired member of a royal choir owned by Duke Sigismund of the House of Hapsburgs. The following year Heinirch traveled to Florence. Multiple documents show that Isaac acquired a position in 1485 as a designated singer at the church Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Duomo. Heinrich Isaac was known for his close association with the Medici family. It is suspected that Lorenzo de’ Medici was responsible for Isaac’s move from Innsbruck.Heinrich maintained close ties with the family throughout his entire life. He is said to have worked for the Medicis as an organist and a musical teacher however recent findings of documentation explain that â€Å"the Medici’s organist†was a title held by another Isaac. Isaac did work with the family as a teacher and choir director. While in Florence Isaac composed a g reat deal of music including masses and motets. Some of these linked Heinrich’s association with the Medici family. Lorenzo died in 1492 and Piero inherited everything including his father’s musical groups.Isaac wrote two motets in remembrance of Lorenzo. Piero took these groups to Rome to perform for the coronation of Pope Alexander VI. This was the same time and the same pope by which Michael Angelo was commissioned to reconstruct St. Peter’s Basillica. The Medici family was banished from Florence in 1494. In 1496 Heinrich was employed by Maximilian I the newly Holy Roman emperor. In 1497 Isaac was appointed court composer of the Hapsburg empire. Payment documents impose that Isaac traveled with the court through Augsburg, Wels, and Innsbruck between 1497 and 1501.Around 1502 Heinrich traveled to the Este court in Ferrera, Italy to compete with Josquin des Prez for a position. We do have a letter from the family that reads â€Å"Isaac is a disposition among h is companions, and he will compose new works more often. It is true that Josquin composes better, but he composes when he wants to and not when one wants his to. †Recent scholarship says that Isaac never asked for the job. Heinrich was commissioned by the Constance cathedral in 1508 after traveling though Constance, Augsburg, and Florence for several years to write his outstandingly large Choralis Constatinus.Isaac returned to Florence in 1514 and died in 1517. Though most sources confirm that Isaac fled from Italy, newer historical findings suggest that Isaac actually never left Florence. Not only did Isaac not leave Florence after Lorenzo’s death but Heinrich Isaac later married a native Florentine, settled down, and became an established citizen of Florence. Isaacs’s marriage was supposedly arranged through Lorenzo Medici. Isaac was able to include both German and Italian aspects in his work, something that made him very distinct from his contemporaries.Most contemporary composers, who called themselves Florentines like he did, limited their traveling to France and Italy. Heinrich is described as one of the most prolific composers of his time. He made significant contributions to both secular and church music; of Germanic and Italian influence; of the splendor of the church and the secularism of the renaissance of which he was such a part of. â€Å"His work spanned from Flemish styled polyphony to bright Italian and French love songs, from ceremonial music expressing the pageantry and power of the church and state to rollicking songs in French,Italian and German embodying the popular, secular spirit of the Renaissance, and from rich choral textures for the church to exquisite chamber music for courtly entertainment. †# Isaacs output includes about forty Mass Ordinaries, 100 proper mass cycles (though most were published posthumously in the three- volume Choralis Constantinus), over fifty motets; and close to fifty secular songs m ade of French chansons, Italian Frottole, and a large amount of German Tenorlieder. Isaacs best known work is probably Innsbruch, ich muss dich lassen, a Tenorlieder written on the theme of a Germanic folk song.The same melody was used for the Lutheran chorale O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen. Later both J. S. Bach and J. Brahms used the famed theme. Heinrich Isaac’s significance stands not only in his scope and quality but also in his influence particularly seen in Germany. Heinrich acted as an ambassador of the Netherlandish style to Germany. Heinrich had a great effect on the musical development of Germany, leading it into the mainstream European musical tradition and the further development of contrapuntal music.Heinrich’s music directly influenced German composers like Bach and Brahms who in turn influenced aspects in all of western music. As a professionally successful musician and patroned person of the three most powerful men in Europe, Heinrich Isaac’s musi c was most definitely seen and heard. Sources- The New Oxford History of Music: volume III Wikipedia Encyclopedia Britannica online www. bach-cantatas. com Absorbing Heinrich Isaac by David J Burn, Blake Wilson, And Giovanni Zanovello
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Organise Meetings
Operations manager to take over. All operations of the entire process. In Australia after comment on the proposal has been accepted, the debate will occur that their decisions about where to apply, how much it is emotional, and the result of the release of the flavor of the range states in the country. Australia has been mentioned in the notice must be returned to headquarters in Melbourne, if any, provided that they are not able to. Personal attendance. , Participants are required to bring research papers to be fully advised of their powerful evidence. Company: Ms Dona'sNotice: Date 31-07-2014 Notice is sent by the secretary of Shish (Facilitator) CEO of Ms Dona's Australia. Its purpose to inform 20 days prior to the meeting so that everyone can make a time in their schedule for the meeting. If someone is unable to attend the meeting he has inform the USAF (secretary) with personal call. Palace: Ms Dona's head office 3rd floor 190, Saddened Road Saddened Melbourne Australia Date: 12 -1 1-2014 Time: Bam to loam Us opposed Attendees: Facilitators – Shish(CEO) Marketing manager-M knish National consultant- Art Secretary – Dennis (Time keeper)Minute taker – USAF Objective: Talking about the new range of Ms Donald in Australia. Explain to all the success of this new menu. Agenda: Effective Launch of Ms Dona's new range menu in Australia. Minutes Timing Presenter Task 8 am to 8:05 am Shish (CEO) Welcome amenities in a meeting and ask any apology, she will explain the reason why the meeting. 8:05 to 0 USAF (Minute Taker) They are about the minutes of the meeting of the past and what they decide and what they have received after the decision they have taken in the previous meeting. 8:10 to 8:15Operations manager explained all menu items to the members of her team in the conference. 08:15 to 08:20 Marketing manager of exploration and presentation of all the evidence, all the strategies they used while launching a new menu. â€Å"Taste of America 08 :20 TTT:25 Art describe how they will ensure the quality of products in the store and also in the supply of raw materials. 09:25 to 09:45 Everybody Open discussion of all issues and offer solutions that will be perfect and CEO, will make the final decision. 09:45 to 09:55 CEO Western end marketing techniques in the treatment process. :55 to 10:00 Thank you all for coming and Shish holds a meeting with one month notices. Meeting 2 Brief: The Australian government has launched a new safety standards, known as the â€Å"drop down†it is a matter of technical security. So they can improve their crews towards this new safety standards and it can reduce the impact of any loss of physical ability. Happy regional Manager is responsible for calling this meeting and she will make sure that everyone can share information that they would provide information to workers, their manager.Shish and be ere that all the people working in the stores correctly. Aware of the new safety standard Den nis manager is responsible. In the absence of a store manger to follow every step to ensure accurate measurements. The security of the crew , the assistant manager and the health and safety of staff Art do is to check daily that all safety equipment is up to date and everyone in the store to know how to use them in need . Monish crew training will provide all the information to the crew about safety .Talk about how to provide information about health and safety standards hat have been issued by the Australian government called the Drop down due to an increase in incidences in Australia over the last couple of years. Agenda: Health and Safety in the stores Notice: Date 1-08-2013 Notice is sent by the Regional Manger Baby of Ms Dona's Australia. Its purpose to inform 14 days prior to the meeting so that everyone has to attend the meeting. If someone is unable to attend the meeting he has inform the Baby with personal call. Palace: Ms Dona's head office 3rd floor Date: Time: am to AMA happy -Regional manger Melody: Restaurant manger
Thursday, November 7, 2019
My father Essays - Roman Catholic Devotions, Free Essays
My father Essays - Roman Catholic Devotions, Free Essays My father In his death, my father, Glenn Vernon Martin, did something he could not do in life. He brought our family together. After he died at age 83, many of his friends told me how much they loved him?how generous he was, how outgoing, how funny, how caring. I was surprised at these descriptions. During my teenage years, there was little said to me that was not criticism. I remember him as angry. But now, ten years after his death, I recall events that seem to contradict my memory of him. When I was 16, he handed down to me the family?s 1957 Chevy. Neither one of us knew at the time that it was the coolest car anyone my age could have. When I was in the third grade he proudly accompanied me to the school tumbling contest where I won first prize. One day, while I was in single digits, he suggested we play catch in the front yard. This offer to spend time together was so anomalous that I didn?t quite understand what I was supposed to do. When I graduated from high school, my father offered to buy me a tuxedo. I refused because my father always shunned gifts. I felt with my refusal, that somehow in a convoluted, perverse logic, I was being a good son. I wish now that I could have let him buy me a tuxedo, let him be a dad. My father sold real estate but he wanted to be in show business. I was probably five years old when I saw him in a bit part at the Call Board theater on Melrose Place in Hollywood. He came on in the second act and served a drink. The theater existed until a few years ago and is now finally defunct and, I believe, a lamp shop. My father?s attitude toward my show business accomplishments was critical. After my first appearance on Saturday Night Live in 1976, he wrote a bad review of me in the newsletter of the Newport Board of Realtors where he was president. Later, he related this news to me slightly shamefaced, and said that after it appeared, his best friend came into his office holding the paper, placed it on his desk, and shook his head sternly, indicating a wordless ?no.? In the early ?80s, a close friend of mine, whose own father was killed walking across a street and whose mother committed suicide on Mother?s Day, said that if I had anything to work out with my parents, I should do it now, because one day that opportunity would be over. When I heard this remark, I had no idea that I would ever want to work anything out with them, that, in fact, there was anything to work out at all. But it stewed in my brain for years, and soon I decided to try and get to know my parents. I took them to lunch every Sunday I could, and would goad them into talking. It was our routine that after I drove them home from our lunches, my mother and father, now in their 80s, would walk me to the car. I would kiss my mother on the cheek and my father and I would wave or awkwardly say goodbye. But this time we hugged each other and he whispered, ?I love you,? with a voice barely audible. This would be the first time these words were ever spoken between us. I returned the phrase with the same awkward, broken delivery.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Italian Soccer Teams Have Colorful Nicknames
Italian Soccer Teams Have Colorful Nicknames If there are three things you can count on Italians to be passionate about it would be: their food, their family and their soccer (calcio). The pride of Italian’s for their favorite team knows no bounds. You can find fans (tifosi) fearlessly cheering in all kinds of weather, against all kinds of rivals, and with a dedication that endures generations. Part of the fun of learning about soccer in Italy is also learning about the nicknames of the teams. But first, its important to understand how soccer works in Italy. Soccer is broken down into various clubs, or â€Å"serie.†The best is â€Å"Serie A†followed by â€Å"Serie B†and â€Å"Serie C†etc. Teams in each â€Å"serie†compete against each other. The best team in â€Å"Serie A†is regarded as the best team in italy. The competition in Serie A is fierce and if a team doesn’t win or do well in a season, they can be demoted to a lower â€Å"serie†much to the shame and disappointment of their adoring fans. Now that you understand the basics of how Italian teams are ranked, it is easier to understand their nicknames. Italian Soccer Team Nicknames Some of these nicknames seem random but they all have a story. For example, one of my favorites is the Mussi Volanti (Flying Donkeys- Chievo). They were given this nickname by their rival team, Verona, because the odds of Chievo entering the Serie A league was so slim (like the English expression to express unlikely odds, â€Å"When pigs fly!†In Italian, it’s â€Å"When donkey’s fly!†).  I Diavoli (The Devils- (Milan), are called as such because of their red and black jerseys. I Felsinei (Bologna- is based on the ancient city name, Felsina), and I Lagunari (Venezia- comes from the Stadio Pierluigi Penzo that sits adjacent to the lagoon). Many teams, in fact, have multiple nicknames. For instance, the illustrious Juventus team (a longstanding member and winner of Serie A) is also known as La Vecchia Signora (The Old Lady), La Fidanzata dItalia (The Girlfriend of Italy), Le Zebre (The Zebras), and [La] Signora Omicidi ([The] Lady Killer). The Old lady is a joke because Juventus means young, and lady was added by rivals who were essentially poking fun of the team. It got it’s â€Å"girlfriend of Italy†nickname due to a large amount of southern Italians who, lacking their own Serie A team, became attached to Juventus, the third oldest (and most winning) team in Italy. Besides these less obvious nicknames, one other colorful tradition, is to refer to the teams by the color of their soccer jerseys (le maglie calcio). The terms are frequently seen in print (Palermo, 100 Anni di Rosanero), as part of fan club names (Linea GialloRossa), and in official publications. Even the Italian national soccer team is known as Gli Azzurri because of their blue jerseys. Below is a list of the nicknames associated with the 2015 Serie A Italian soccer teams when referring to their jersey colors: AC Milan: RossoneriAtalanta: NerazzurriCagliari: RossobluCesena: Cavallucci MariniChievo Verona: GiallobluEmpoli: AzzurriFiorentina: ViolaGenoa: RossobluHellas Verona: GiallobluInternazionale: NerazzurriJuventus: BianconeriLazio: BiancocelestiNapoli: AzzurriPalermo: RosaneroParma: GiallobluRoma: GiallorossiSampdoria: BlucerchiatiSassuolo: NeroverdiTorino: il Toro, i GranataUdinese: Bianconeri
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Recommendation Report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Recommendation Report - Case Study Example Investigation is done by conducting a survey on a selected group of workers based on which recommendations are made. The survey was done on a certain group of employees that included both Production Workers and White Collar Workers. The outcome and the recommendations are made based on the employee response. About 63% of the production workers and 82% of the white collar workers think that the drug testing should be done right when the employees are hired. The response suggests that maximum number of the employees want that the drug testing should be done before employment is given. There was a mixed response among the employees when they were asked for random testing. Very few that are about 16% of the production workers and 42% of the white collar workers feel that it is right. The response suggests that the workers do not support the proposal of random testing. The reason may be that they feel some may escape due to this type of random sampling. Hence this may not be an effective method of testing the usage of illegal drug. About 46% of the production workers and 39% of the white collar workers feel that drug testing should be done at the time of physical examination or upon returning to work. This response suggests that the employees are not giving so much importance to the drug testing during physical examination. When asked about drug testing after the employee has met an accident, about 31% of the production workers and 30% of the white collar workers supported the suggestion and said yes to it. But since the response was less than 50% so it can be assumed that the plan may not work. This step was highly appreciated by the employees. About 62% of the Production workers and 72% of the white collar workers feel that this step should be executed. Majority of the workers say yes to implementation of the policy. However 12% and 4% of the production and white collar workers respectively
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