Thursday, October 31, 2019
Supply chain management at Toyota motors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Supply chain management at Toyota motors - Essay Example However, Toyota commenced its automobile manufacturing as early as 1934 functioning under Toyota Industries (Toyota, 1996). The first product of the company was Type A engines and Toyota AA passengers car which were manufactured in 1936. The company is celebrated as one of the world’s largest automakers mainly because of the company’s stupendous sales record over the last two decades. Toyota also ventures into the financial service provision, an exercise supervised by Toyota Financial Services. The company also produces robots. Alongside the father company (Toyota Industries), Toyota forms the majority shareholders in Toyota Group. Being the Leading shareholder in Daihatsu Motors, Toyota owns the operations of Lexus, Scion, and Toyota brands. The company is also the minority shareholder in Isuzu Motors, Fuji Heavy Industries, Hino Motors, Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation, and Yamaha Motors and craft manufacturers. In india, Toyota established a partnership agreement with Kirloskar Group to forming Toyota Kirloskar Motor Private Limited (TKM); a company formed with sole objectives of creating employment to the unemployed youths as well as serving the automobile industry. As at March 2012, Toyota had about 529 subsidiaries globally, and manufactured more than 11.5 million vehicles (Toyota, 1996). SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN TOYOTA     Toyota supply chain management is one of the elements of the operational strategy which is founded on Toyota Production System (TPS). The system was proposed by Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo in 1940’s as the company gained global success in the automotive industry. TPS was founded on the principle â€Å"lean manufacturing†. The two partners indentified the components of this tool as: mutual trust and understanding, interlocking structures, compatible capabilities, control systems, joint improvement activities, learning, and information sharing. As stated by Krajewski, Ritzman & Malhotra (200 9), â€Å"JIT system – a system that organizes the resources information flows and decision rules that enable a firm to realize the benefits of JIT principles†(Burnes & New, 1996). Total Quality Management, reduces waste, and inventory by involving suppliers in continuous improvement, planning process, focusing on co-operation and improving machinery. The capacity planning method adopted by Toyota was based on inventory elimination. To achieve a zero-inventory, the company heavily depended on pull systems. Toyota also pioneered an operational excellence commonly referred to as â€Å"Lean Concept†. This concept was adopted by a number of companies in the manufacturing sector. The philosophy of this principle (lean philosophy) aimed at eliminating all wastes, and prioritizes customer care (Burnes & New, 1997). Lean philosophy closed linked with the JIS inventory management system to add to the competitive edge of Toyota. Therefore, the production of new material was only possible when the existing stock of inventory is exhausted. Toyota operated under â€Å"non-value-adding waste in business and manufacturing†(Liker, 2004) which were overproduction, unnecessary transport/ conveyance, waiting, over-processing, unnecessary movement, excess inventory, unused employee creativity, and defects. The improvements in the supply chain management at Toyota are cited as the key element for the increased competitiveness of the company in the fierce motor market. Besides, the improvements made in the supply cha
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Stereotyping of Arabs in Western media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Stereotyping of Arabs in Western media - Essay Example This has created a mentality of us against them, where producers still unconsciously perceive the Arabs, and Muslims in general, as being the enemy, although they would never to such a thing. The various events which have taken place in the twentieth century have worked to strengthen this opinion of Arabs, as seen where the latter are looked upon as being a violent people, whose religious fanaticism is the cause of all the major conflicts in the world today. The events leading to the September 11 attacks and its aftermath have all been blamed on Arabs, who are seen as having had a direct hand in these events. The fact that a majority of the Arab people in the world are just regular people like any other westerner seems not to have been put into consideration as many of them have become victims of racially instigated attacks because of who they are and what they look like. According to Hussein (2010, p118) Hollywood films that feature Arabs are examples of the inherent racism that has long been established in western media and that the fact that these films are shown in public comes to influence how its audience views the Arab people. The American media, especially the films, tend to include evil Arab characters as well as racial slurs which are used to demean them and this creates a situation where people from the Middle East are viewed as being an evil race, with no set moral standards. This is not a true reflection of the Arab people and, because of the bias of western media against them, they have come to be portrayed in an extremely negative light where it is difficult to determine or differentiate between the Arabs with good intentions from those with evil ones. The Arab men have come to be depicted as being chauvinistic in the movies that feature them, showing them not only mistreating their wives and daughters, but also keeping them in the background where they have little or no rights (Hassan 2001, p.56). They have also come to be depicted as being gree dy for money and as being willing to sell their souls for the sake of acquiring more of it, a depiction which goes against the fact that Arabs have throughout their history been an entrepreneurial race much involved in trade. Because Islam allows Arab men to marry up to four wives, western media has come to depict them as being womanizers who are extremely attracted to western women. Whenever Arabs men are shown in films, they are depicted as traveling with vast harems to satisfy their every desire, a depiction which is not a true reflection of the character of this race. The Arab-Israeli conflict has not been of much help in improving the image of Arabs in western media and this is because of the fact that the true story concerning the conflict has been distorted in favor of the Israelis. This conflict has been a key feature in western media since the formation of the state of Israel in 1948 and despite the fact that the Jewish state has committed many injustices against the Palest inian people; the latter are still depicted as being the aggressors. The fact that women, children, and the elderly have fallen victim to Israeli attacks has been kept in the background, while the image of Arab men as being fanatical terrorists attacking the state of Israel has been brought to the foreground (Onwudiwe 2005, p.6). This has created a situation where it has become difficult for the image of Arabs
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Listening skills
Listening skills For communication at work, are listening skills important? If so, provide multiple reasons. How would you describe your listening skills? Is listening the same as hearing? What is selective hearing? Good listening skills make workers more productive. The ability to listen carefully will allow employees to better understand assignments and what is expected of them; build rapport with co-workers, bosses, and clients; show support; work better in a team-based environment; resolve problems with customers, co-workers, and bosses; answer questions; and find underlying meanings in what others say. A good listener knows that being attentive to what the other person doesnt say is as important as being attentive to what the person does say. Listening is one of the most important skills that a person should possess. How well a person listens has a major impact on job effectiveness, and on the quality of relationships with others. The way to become a better listener is to practice active listening. This is where a person should make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, to try and understand the total message being sent. When I am providing listening skills, the first thing that I do is pay attention. I want to show the other person that I am listening and I also provide feedback. Listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing is a physical process of taking in sound and unless you are hearing impaired, hearing is in relative terms an easy process. Listening is more difficult; it is a cognitive process requiring brain work. Selective hearing is a way of describing the tendency of some people to ignore things that they dont want to hear. I tend to possess selective hearing at times especially when I am being told to do something. Professional demeanor is a type of demeanor that involves a persons manner and nonverbal emotional tone. Professionalism and an overly serious manner are not one and the same. Highly professional people smile appropriately and they command respect. One thing a person should never do is to try and be somebody, or something they are not. It is important to be natural and to be yourself. First impressions mean so much and a person does not have to say anything for another person to judge their demeanor. When in a meeting or interview, it is important to dress professional. It is not about what accessories are collaborated with your outfit, its about selling yourself or the company that you represent. Presenting a professional demeanor also means that a persons nails are clean and they provide cordial phone mannerisms. It is always important to strive to be a better person that is helpful, kind, and considerate in the workplace. My message is always consistent between the two. I work in corporate America and I understand the value that my company strives for. It is important for me to represent myself while at work and even when I am not at work. I never know who is watching my every move. Professional demeanor to me means the way you carry yourself. That demeanor does not have to be communicated in a business manner but your everyday life. Some people who work in professional environments really dont know how to be professional. A professional person is poised and confident. They handle their business. They understand laid back and professional settings. In a workplace, it is important to understand the dress code. Business casual does not mean capris. A nice pair of slacks and a nice blouse is great. Speaking clearly and staying grounded in great also. The way a person presents themselves should be professional. Loud is not the way to do. I carry myself in a professional and poised way because I want respect and for people to understand that I am about my business. My message is always consistent and I come across to people nice because I want the same treatment. Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another. Nonverbal communication is the process of communicating through sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated through gesture, body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact. Nonverbal communication plays a key role in every persons day to day life, from employment to romantic engagements. Visual communication as the name suggests is communication through visual aid. It is the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be read or looked upon. Nonverbal communication is very important to a deaf person who may get many information cues this way. I may use such communication skills as facial expressions and gestures. I may have to touch a deaf person on the shoulder, arm, or leg to get their attention if they are close enough to me. When communicating with a person with bad eyesight, it is important to describe what is being done. I may describe my gestures, facial expressions and what is being presented. I need to make sure that I effective communicate so that way no one will leave the meeting lost as to what is going on. Patience is the key word. I would incorporate some of my team members to help me to find way that we all can understand the issue. The age difference is clearly a factor in this team environment. The oldest member is set in her ways and may want things done from start to finish. Sometimes younger people may slack off just a little. They go with the flow as one would say. I understand that. They may agree but have no idea what is being communicated. Males have their own opinions when it comes to situations. Females want to be right well at least I do. I want things to be in order and mapped out before the plans are taken into action. I understand that language barriers are a huge issue maybe for the latinos and kenyan team members. They have sometimes really strong accents and other team members may have a huge problem understanding what is said. They also may get frustrated because we all cant understand. They may give up. The deaf person and the one with the hearing aid may need someone to translate on paper or everything may have to be drawn out. The key word is team and we all have to go up with plans. I woul d not want anyone to feel left out because they have a difficult timeunderstanding. The team member with the bad eye sight may need everything read to him/her. We would have to describe what is going on. It all can be done though. As Team Leader, what can you do to ensure everyones understanding of task assignments from the meeting? As a team leader, I will not leave the meeting until we all understand. If I have to have a meeting catering to each persons individual need, then I will do that. What are some alternative communication mediums you may utilize in your meeting? We all can help. Some people may have better communication skills with other and so I will involve my team and ask for their help. We can use drawings and tap recorded messages. Whatever can get them all involved. In what ways would you follow-up, after the staff meeting, to ensure communication was a success? I would have one on one communications with each team member to make sure they understand. If they dont I will set aside time for each member and depending on the situation utilize whatI have to make it work. My response Demeanor involves your manner and your nonverbal emotional tone. You may or may not be conscious of the overall emotional undertone that you are exuding.Professionalism and an overly serious manner are not one and the same. Nor is professionalism staid and boring. Highly professional people smile appropriately and they command respect. If you have trouble smiling or appearing approachable in a professional setting, try keeping your mouth open, just a little not gaping just lips slightly parted. This expression communicates that you have an open mind. Pursed, tight lips communicate a closed mind just as arms crossed do. And a tightly closed mouth signals an angry or self-righteous individual. Presenting a professional demeanor begins with clean nails, clothing appropriate to the workplace, and cordial phone mannerisms. Some people consider these to be the only requirements of professional demeanor. Certainly these help present a professional image, but true professionals do not stop there. Someone striving to be a better person is helpful, kind, and considerate in the workplace.
Friday, October 25, 2019
William Blakes The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and Lond
Compare and Contrast William Blake's The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and London I am going to compare and contrast three of William Blake poems, where he shows his feelings about the way people treat children: The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and London. The Chimney-Sweeper is about a child who sweeps chimneys. William Blake sets this poem in the winter. The children worked in the cold. Blake says, â€Å"A little black thing among the snow,†â€Å"The little black thing,†Is the child who is dirty from cleaning the chimneys who stands out in the snow. He also looks like a black mask on the landscape. Like a dirty stain. â€Å"Crying weep, weep in the notes of woe!†Blake hears them crying a song. As children do when they are sad, the notes of woe are notes of extreme sadness. â€Å"Where are both father and mother? Say? They are both gone up to the church to pray†this sounds as if someone is asking the boy questions and he answers. The child’s parents are missing. They don’t know where their parent are, they could be praying at church. The church back then was in possession of a lot of land, building and laid down guide lives for people’s life styles. It also seems as if the church supports the parents and does not consider that they have done any thing wrong. The parents are sending the children to work at early age, and in dangerous conditions (chimneys). In the second verse William Blake talks about the child as a happy child, but since he’s been take up the chimneys he is aware of the dangers of his new job hence â€Å"cloths of death,†he’s now a different person. His new job has changed his life, and he lives his life wondering if today he will die up a chimney. It has robbed him of a lif... ...the priest and King for not noticing and accepting the bad environment the poor are living in. Blake doesn't like the Priest and Church for not caring for the poor, even though they worship God and the Priest, it is unfair. Blake thought very highly of children, he felt sorry for the children who became chimney sweepers. He states this many times in his poetry. He thought that the children were the future and that they shouldn't be treated like dirt. They shouldn't get starved for hunger, the wealthy should have looked after the children, but they didn't. The children didn't get any importance then. Blake wanted the rich to know the suffering and pain they have put the poor side through. This povety is also happening in the world now and William Blake now helps the world relise that there is povety in the world, and also emphasizes to care for the poor. William Blake's The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and Lond Compare and Contrast William Blake's The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and London I am going to compare and contrast three of William Blake poems, where he shows his feelings about the way people treat children: The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and London. The Chimney-Sweeper is about a child who sweeps chimneys. William Blake sets this poem in the winter. The children worked in the cold. Blake says, â€Å"A little black thing among the snow,†â€Å"The little black thing,†Is the child who is dirty from cleaning the chimneys who stands out in the snow. He also looks like a black mask on the landscape. Like a dirty stain. â€Å"Crying weep, weep in the notes of woe!†Blake hears them crying a song. As children do when they are sad, the notes of woe are notes of extreme sadness. â€Å"Where are both father and mother? Say? They are both gone up to the church to pray†this sounds as if someone is asking the boy questions and he answers. The child’s parents are missing. They don’t know where their parent are, they could be praying at church. The church back then was in possession of a lot of land, building and laid down guide lives for people’s life styles. It also seems as if the church supports the parents and does not consider that they have done any thing wrong. The parents are sending the children to work at early age, and in dangerous conditions (chimneys). In the second verse William Blake talks about the child as a happy child, but since he’s been take up the chimneys he is aware of the dangers of his new job hence â€Å"cloths of death,†he’s now a different person. His new job has changed his life, and he lives his life wondering if today he will die up a chimney. It has robbed him of a lif... ...the priest and King for not noticing and accepting the bad environment the poor are living in. Blake doesn't like the Priest and Church for not caring for the poor, even though they worship God and the Priest, it is unfair. Blake thought very highly of children, he felt sorry for the children who became chimney sweepers. He states this many times in his poetry. He thought that the children were the future and that they shouldn't be treated like dirt. They shouldn't get starved for hunger, the wealthy should have looked after the children, but they didn't. The children didn't get any importance then. Blake wanted the rich to know the suffering and pain they have put the poor side through. This povety is also happening in the world now and William Blake now helps the world relise that there is povety in the world, and also emphasizes to care for the poor.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Write a Set of Instructions Explaining in Objective Terms
It is very important to pass down the formal rituals of the town to next generations. In order to pass down the ritual, the community will need a large black box to keep the folded papers together when the lottery starts, one folded paper with large black dot on, a stool to put the large black box on, and piles of stone. Remember the ritual might vary slightly from other communities, but the ritual is an important part of our society's history and its present. In our society, a lottery will be held every year, on July 27th at noon, since there are only 300 people; it is possible to finish the lottery before the late lunch.The ritual of the society is not only a tradition, but also a ritual to guarantee our success every harvesting season. Remember the quote â€Å"lottery in June, corn be heavy soon†. Steps in the ritual process are shown below. The lottery can be divided into a preparatory stage, lottery stage, and finishing stage. A preparatory stage takes a day or more. A ni ght before the June 27th, the lottery official should make a list of the heads of the families, and the members of each household in each family. Second, based on the number of the people on the list, the lottery official has to make lottery ballots.Remember, one ballot should be marked with a black circle. All ballots must be same size, and are folded in a same way. Third, if all the ballots are done, put the ballots inside the black box. On the following day, before the lottery starts, lottery official has to gather up the children and make them to collect stones and put it in a pile next to the town square where the lottery is held. After telling children, remind the people about the lottery through the announcements. Then, when everyone has gathered, the lottery official enters with a wooden black box, followed by a postmaster carrying a stool.Place the stool at the center of the square and put the black box on it. Second stage is before the lottery stage. After everyone have ga thered, remind people about the rules of the lottery; wife draws with the husband’s family, if there is somebody in absence, a substitute will choose the ballot to fill in the missing person, and everyone takes only one folded paper. The third stage is Lottery stage; when the lottery official had finished going over the rules of the ritual, proper swearing-in by the postmaster takes place; the official starts the recital of perfunctory tuneless chant.After all the perfunctory steps of the lottery are done, start the lottery immediately. The lottery official should read the names of the head of the families. When their family name is called, representing one's family, a head of the household approaches the black box and chooses one folded paper from the box. When every man representing each family had drawn, open the paper and check which family has won the first-round lottery. Check the number of family members of the the family that had drawn the paper with the black dot.Aft er counting the number of the family members, make a set of ballots just for the family that had drawn the paper with the black dot (make sure every member of the family would pick one folded paper from the box, and one of the folded papers inside the box is marked with a black dot). When the lottery official had finished making new sets of ballots for the second round lottery, call each member of the family into the box, and make everyone take one folded paper from the box.Remind each family member to not open the folded paper until everyone had finished choosing the folded paper. After every member of the family had picked their choice of folded paper, tell the participants to open the paper. Announce the winner of he lottery. The last step is finishing stage. Start the ritual of the lottery. Use stones that boy had gathered up. Stone the winner till the death. Announce the end of the ritual lottery, and dismiss the crowd. The lottery official takes the box and put the box away un til the next lottery in the next year.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Poured Fire Analysis Essay
In the novel They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky, by Benson Deng, Alephonsion Deng, and Benjamin Ajak; Benson communicates a strong will to survive by using the device description. In the middle of the chapter â€Å"The Skulls Tree†, Benson describes the difficult experience he faced in the desert of Ajakageer. On his journey to Ethiopia, traveling through the desert of Ajakageer was the most dangerous part of his journey. Many of the thousands traveling to the camp in Ethiopia were ill and needed help. There was nothing they could, the only option they had was keep moving forward. Benson states, â€Å"At night, I was desperate for to have a good sleep and gain strength for the walking but I couldn’t because it was cold in the desert.†(78) This helps the reader understand the pain and misery of a Sudanese child that experienced this crucial journey. In the beginning of the chapter â€Å"The Gilo†, Benson describes what they had to do when the EPLA took over the camp. In the summer of 1991 the Ethiopian government was overthrown by some guerrilla fighters. The war once again reached them. They had to face the same problems they had. To survive, they must leave. Benson states, â€Å"The Sudan war had grown worse and spread farther. I longed to go home, but not like this-not running again, not back into battles. My beautiful homeland wasn’t a home in wartime. But to avoid conflict we agreed to leave their land and our lovely crops behind us.†This demonstrates that they were in serious danger. No matter where they went more problems caught up to them. They were lucky to get help. In order for them to survive they had to get rid and abandon there hope.
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